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puzcash 11-15-2010 10:41 AM

Building your own automated blog posts
I've noticed importing rss feeds to blogs not delivering any results, so decided to build my own automated posts.
Howto - Its just simple:
1. grab content,
2. spin articles using my own database,
3. import content to my blogs,
Thats it!

This could be a great solution, if more sponsors could provide ready csv posts with pics.
And that's what PuzCash exactly do!

Download content For your Blogs: 830 Posts with pics + wordpress import tool

Download content For your German Blogs: 830 German Posts with softcore pics + wordpress import tool

Don't forget to spin the texts! It's important to build your own rewrite database, if you want to get some good results!
Just hit me up for anything else you need!

ICQ: 585627065
Email: lape [at] puzmedia DOT com

PuzCash Program details:
- 50-70% revshare or 30$ PPS,
- 20% for referral,
- Solo Network with 40+ Sites,
- 255 cookie expiration day!

CamsMaster 12-02-2010 04:58 AM

hmm... nice way ...thx for sharing

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