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Funbrunette 04-09-2003 08:21 PM

I have a RAGE for....
Ice cream, chocolate, candy apples, jujubes, gummy bears! OMG!!!! :uoink: :uoink: :uoink:

Mister X 04-09-2003 08:23 PM

Re: I have a RAGE for....

Originally posted by Funbrunette
Ice cream, chocolate, candy apples, jujubes, gummy bears! OMG!!!! :uoink: :uoink: :uoink:
Wow. Sounds like a dessert orgy! ::-| :p

modF 04-09-2003 08:47 PM


PaulSweet 04-09-2003 09:12 PM


Originally posted by modF

Sounds like he had better be running to the "depaneur" pronto

Evil Chris 04-09-2003 10:43 PM

hahaha.... Yes! I have been running to the store for goodies quite a bit and it doesn't bother me at all! :D

Today we stocked up on mandarin orange wedges in a light syrup, and mocha flavored yogurt. ;)

BuggyG 04-10-2003 09:31 AM


Originally posted by modF
see FB watching tv
see FB watching a food commercial
see FB turn to Chris and say I crave
see chris say later hun
see FB walk over and tell Chris get me what I crave NOW! or no fun later
see Chris get and get out the foor
see Chriss run to the store


ok. sorry it's been a while since I read them Timmy books we had to in garde 1. I was going on memories. But damn...I feel soo old now. hehehe But I tried!!

:D :bonk: :D

Raya 04-11-2003 11:23 AM

Laugh! yes you tried now all of us who remember those books feel old too.

BuggyG 04-11-2003 05:27 PM


Originally posted by Raya
Laugh! yes you tried now all of us who remember those books feel old too.

ohhhhhhhhhhhh!! I remember now. It was no damn Timmy books. Where I got that name I don't remember. But I know now, it was SPOT!

See Spot
See Spot Run
Run Spot Run

heheheheDAMN!! I'm bored at work. But leats I can come here and check up what's going on

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