Mister X |
04-11-2003 10:01 AM |
I would remove the top text banner and use bigger thumbnails. Both things will help you get listed on more tgps. A lot of the better ones prefer a maximum of 2 banners/text links. Also most places only allow 1 counter. If you're going to do a mouseover on the text links it's more effective to have them underlined to start and change the colour, instead of underlining on mouseover. Your big pics are too small. You should never use less than 600x450 and at least 640x480 will get you listed a lot more. The filesizes seem to be over 20 kb per pic which is ok. It is definitely better to have a bigger pic even if it's compressed a little more. Small and clear won't get you listed. You have TWO blind links that say "privacy" but actually go to Hitbox. That will get you banned most places. The layout is fairly basic but the colours are ok and things load quickly so that's a plus.