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GregE 02-04-2011 01:43 PM

*NEW* bunbeatingfun.com (spanking) video FHGs
Eleven new galleries from Bun Beating Dollars.

Twenty (or more) Stills and One Movie featured in each of these free hosted galleries.


Monet SPANKED ! A blonde hottie who's honesty is, shall we say, not beyond reproach.
Galas XXX SPANKED ! Hot blonde who's coolnessity cries out for a blistered posterior.
Rachelle SPANKED ! Shakes her jiggly parts in sleazy bars for easy money.
Kelly Divine SPANKED ! This pornstar's claim to fame is her divine bubble butt. Heh, Heh.
Mandy SPANKED ! Rude tobacco smoker gets her tail lit up.
Madison Mercedes SPANKED ! Colder than a tombstone in January, but a smacked ass will fix that.
Brianna Beauty SPANKED ! And a real beauty she be... but a naughty one too.
Rebecca SPANKED ! This Rebecca ain't from no Sunnybrook Farm.
April Flowers SPANKED ! Sizzling hot pornstar chastised for her sins.
Lacyn SPANKED ! It's a trip to the woodshed for this wicked belle.
Emily Camile SPANKED ! Sharp tongued cougar spanked like a naughty girl.

Click on banner to see more galleries.

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