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qwebecexpo 06-28-2011 09:32 AM

[PR] One Week Left for 50$ Off Registrations @ Qwebec Expo
[PR] One Week Left for 50$ Off Registrations @ Qwebec Expo
Source: Qwebec Expo
by: Company Press Release


Montreal, Canada June 28th 2011 - Qwebec Expo organization wants to let you know that there is only 7 days left to register at 50$ off the regular 150$ online price, giving attendees one final chance to purchase show badges at discounted rates.

Current registration price is only $100 per person. The 50$ discount from regular online registration price is available until Sunday July 3rd. Online Pre-Registrations at 150$ will ends on August 19th.

All attendees will be given Free admission to Show Floor, Seminars and Networking Events.

Attendees can register online at : http://qwebec.com/register.php

* Early Registration Monday May 2nd to Sunday July 3rd 2011 = $100.00
* Advance Online Registration AFTER Sunday July 3rd 2011 = $150.00
* Standard Door Registration AFTER Friday August 19th 2011 = $160.00.
QWEBEC Expo will be held this year from August 26-28 2011 at the luxurious Marriott Ch‰teau Champlain hotel in Montreal, which will also be making special hotel rates available for show attendees.

Exhibition booths (complete 10X10, all included. Regular price 2000$) only 999$ until July 31st 2011 or on Sold Out.

For additional information on exhibiting, sponsoring, or attending the show:

Contact : Michael Plant
Website: www.qwebec.com
E-mail: admin@qwebec.com
Phone: 418-570-7070
ICQ: 139036653

### 11628 ###

Evil Chris 06-30-2011 05:54 PM

Looking forward to your show Michael. How many are you expecting this year?

NALEM 06-30-2011 11:14 PM

see you Michael in Montreal

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