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Elli 07-07-2011 03:00 PM

Make BANK with Medley from FriendFinder!!
Make BANK with Medley from FriendFinder!!


We at FriendFinder Networks have something to show you! Medley.com is our ad optimization tool that we've been working on and perfecting for a few years. Finally we've opened up its super ad campaign engine to our affiliates! To help you get started, we've included a contest. :)

What is Medley.com?

Medley.com is our in-house ad campaign optimization engine software. In short, you give it a spot on your site to fill. Tell it what site you'd like to promote from FriendFinder Networks (or leave it up to the engine). On a daily basis, the Medley.com engine will fill your spot with the BEST performing ad FOR YOUR SITE and FOR YOUR TRAFFIC! There's nothing else you have to do. Just set the engine to work, and it will work its magic!

How Do I Use Medley?

Sign in to Medley.com with your FFN gpid and password.

Inside you will find an easy-to-use interface complete with YouTube videos to help you through the process. If you get stuck, post a question to our Twitter account and someone helpful will get back to you shortly! Medley.com provides many kinds of results graphs for you to analyse your traffic and sales. You can set up every parameter of an ad spot, or you can choose to "set it and forget it" and let the engine decide what is best for your site and your traffic. It's up to you!

You Say There's a Contest?

Did I? Oh, I did! OPT IN to this one by logging into your affiliate account and click the "Read More" link in the “Medley Affiliate Network News and Announcements” section of your Welcome page in the article “Summer Time and the Living is EASY Affiliate Bonus Award- Let our Nerds do the Math for you!”

Log in to Medley to start your campaigns!

If you don't have an account with us yet, click here to get started!

If you already promote any of the AdultFriendFinder/Cams/Penthouse sites, then you can use that account to promote any of our other sites! We make it easy for you!


Contest Details Please!

Our comparison period is for the period of April 1, 2011 to May 31, 2011.
The sites that qualify for the contest are ALT.com, AdultFriendFinder.com, GetItOn.com, OutPersonals.com, NoStringsAttached.com, Cams.com, and Penthouse.com. Your total sales for this period will be divided by 61 to find a daily average.

For the period of July 1 to August 31, all new sales from Medley Ads creatives will be counted. Affilaites with the highest number of new sales from each bucket will receive a CASH BONUS!

Even if you don't win your bucket, EVERYONE who opts into this contest will receive a 10% bonus on all Medley Spot Earnings! Now how easy is that?

Good luck everyone! And have a Very Profitable Summer!

If you have any questions, please contact your affiliate manager or you can talk to
any of our team:
Andrea at yahoo# monkeygunnagetchu
Penthouse - Amos at icq# 49090846 yahoo# ff_aamos
myself at icq# 8526983 yahoo# streamrayelli

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