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ClickCastX 08-15-2011 04:24 PM

In These Troubled Times, Is It Still Worth Managing A Membership Site?
Adult memberships sites used to be so damn lucrative. Cam and Dating sites have flourished out of this business model. It had gone so well that people thought that adult is recession-proof. But with the onset of tube sites, rampant piracy, dwindling support from major financial institutions, government constant interference, the country's economic woes and the audience's preference for free content, it seems creating membership sites nowadays looks risky. What used to be just seems worn and obsolete.

Is it still worth the trouble making membership sites? Marketing gurus say that we only need to create more valuable content. But how more "valuable" can we make them when people apparently prefer quantity over quality? Can we really still make money with content?

And yet while all things remain doubtful, I still think the porn industry will never die. Our industry has always been innovative. We are the the first to try new things. Reinvention is our middle name. It is our adventurous spirit that will lead us to a new profitability. It's just a matter of time.

Do you share my optimism?

Cashcows 08-17-2011 11:11 PM

The only way I would start any membership site is if I locked down all contact with DRM or has an only steaming site with very unique niche specific quality content. That's the only way to make money on a continual basis with it these days.

Lack of DRM is what has almost killed this industry combined with Tube sites. The people running this industry is are the same ones that are killing it. The refuse to DRM them content under the false notion that people will not tolerate it. And allow people trials where they can fill up a hard drive fir $1. Then the tube sites made it even easier.

Look at all of he Affiliate Programs that have gone under. The old model does not work well. Look at the retention rates and the conversions from trials to full membership.

If people want your content they will pay and will accept DRM and they will stay a member longer under that model.

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