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starting a paysite
ok, i want to start a paysite and i need help from those of you who already have one.
what do i need? basically, content, hosting, and a cc processor right? how much exclusive content should i get? a thousand pics? wouldn't that be too much? or just a few hundred pics of exclusive content and a lot of non-exclusive content would be enough? which cc processor should i go for? ccbill, ibill, acpay, probilling. it seems probilling and acpay have no setup fees so i'm gearing to using them. but there's also abbilling who not only offers cc processing, but free content, and free hosting as well. although they get a bigger percentage of your income. plus abbilling doesn't send the checks of the affiliates for you. you have to do them yourself. so what else do i need? any help would be appreciated. |
Well, what would you buy a membership to and how much content would make YOU happy?
1000 custom pictures? No video? charge*cough*back I'd start out by saying that you need a STEADY influx of new models. One a week minimum. Of course you need to top off any custom content with filler material such as video feeds, image and games etc. As for hosting, I don't know of anyone who would trust their income to a freehost. Then you need to think traffic. "If you build it they will come" Uh-uh. How are you gonna drive traffic to this site? Any way will cost money. I won't comment on processors. Not my realm. I could certainly expand on most of these issues, but time is of the essence. If you'd like to chat fish, hit me up on icq. |
Money... Lots of it.
Read the articles and tutorials on the webmaster resources like Cozy Campus, YNOT Masters, XBiz, AdultBuzz, PimpCafe, NetPond... How much time can you invest? Dedication? Niche specific? Stories, movies, pics, or games inside the members area? Traffic? Advertising expenses? Design, scripting expenses? Avoid the freehosts. People won't take you serious if you host on freehosts. Domain name? Research your competition. Once you know what type of content you want to provide, study your competition that also provides that type of content. Research content providers <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15"> |
whoa, lots of hard work involved eh. so do you think it's gonna be worth it? do most paysites get what they invested in a few months time?
Submitting to two hundred search engines was easy, although time consuming. Today..well....starting a pay site can be very successful. It's a time and money thing, like anything else. You can start it....with a thousand pics.....don't put an affiliate program on it....just put it out there and feed it constantly until it's filled to the brim with content of all kinds...from exclusive to filler to bonus....I don't recommend building a mega site. There are companies out there who have the funds that you may not have. Look at your paysite as a place for your member to come and stay for a while, which means....images, videos, live feeds, upsells, member interactivity, games, stories, etc........personal attention...I've seen pay sites open and grow with the member, especially true amateur sites, where they get a following....form a personal relationship.. What Panky said is dead nuts on....there are so many determining factors.....like how much money you have for design, advertising, etc.....do you have a traffic infrastructure in place to feed your site....the niche you choose.....money....and, most importantly, time. Time kills most webmasters because they either don't have enough of it or they are too impatient or they don't have the funds to succeed quickly....or their expectations are skewed..... And, yes. Pay sites can be worth it. Very time consuming, but also the potential to make your own money and not depend on sponsor money is definitely there. |
You need games => www.adultwebgames.com !
thanks for all the info guys..
i guess i need some more time to work out an outline of my plans to make sure it's going to be successful.:) thanks again..:D |
You have to consider your site a business and make a plan and stick to it! Any business takes time to become successful; we in are spoiled on the net because we normally see a return on our investment almost right away if the site is put together and marketed properly.
I deal mainly with amateur sites and see the advantage of having exclusive content, if the guy likes the girl he will join because he cannot see her anywhere else. Hosting has become quite inexpensive so I’d recommend you fork out a few bucks for proper hosting, free hosts are good for galleries and gateways but if you want to put up a pay site do it properly. As for billing I’m extremely pleased with Ccbill! Basically put a budget and a business plan together because as Ronaldo said it’s not build it and they will come anymore! |
Re: starting a paysite
What kind of Paysite ? A Niche or Mainstream . For Processor i think anything but IBILL go for Probilling or Acpay . How Much You have For Start Up ? (or private) For Hosting I recommend Oxeo or else Split Infinity kind of $$$ but i can assure you almost never any downtime maybe twice a year. Do you need any banners/buttons done I can help provide you with that plz ICQ or email webgurl@stockingfever.com Good Luck :cool: |
Wow, crazy dude. It's a lot of work, let me tell you. Firstly, decide what type you want to do. Mainstream site or niche? I'd recommend niche. It's very expensive to make a mainstream site because you have to cover so much and compete in a huge market.
Think of this. Plan your marketing (banner spots, text links, all that) for 6 months. Plan your bandwidth costs. Plan your content costs. Plan your design costs. How much money will it cost? Then look at how many sales/day you make now with the traffic you currently have that you're sending it to sponsors. If you were to send it to your site, could you make your money back? |
Up and running new HOT site
1 Attachment(s)
Hey all you guys and dolls!...... We are looking for new talent for some of our up and comming movies.....that are in the works right now.
There is also a need for all of you Asian Girls to do such things as Stills, Solo stuff, and much more. We are also willing to do TFP (trade for print) still photos for all of you that are either looking to get into the buss or just want to refresh your portfolio. So send us a pic of yourself and tell us a little about yourself, a little acting abilty would be nice as well. Hope to hear from ya soon Andy Frost: WWW.PINKCHERRY.CA Check us out now!!!!! |
I came across this article and thought you might be interested. I thought it was really good :)
http://www.cozyacademy.com/classroom...rism/index.asp |
Oh so very very true... used to anyone could cold start and get serious volume going... now the name of the game is retention... The 80/20 rule also applies to the internet folks... ;) Fish, Oh, on the processing side; we use WebsiteBilling (issues there but they are making good) as primary and Globill as secondary and for checks. No fees, minimal bite... Mitch/Netbilling would be my choice if you go the merchant account route. |
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