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davidbenedek 09-08-2011 07:01 AM

90 Day Challenge: Building a Micro-Niche Porn Blog
If anyone's interested i'm starting a 90 day challenge on my blog to detail how i build my micro-niche porn blogs.

I'll be building a new micro-niche blog from scratch with the goal of making it to #1 in Google within 90 days and i'll be revealing exactly how i research and select a potentially profitable keyword, how i setup and structure the site, how i'm able to rank quickly in Google, and finally (and hopefully) how i begin to make money from it.

You can read more about the challenge and follow the progress at my blog.

90 Day Challenge: Building a Micro-Niche Porn Blog

joxxy 09-08-2011 08:50 PM

Interesting....looks like a cool challenge

pf69.com 09-09-2011 11:48 AM

now this is something worth following!!

plugin 09-10-2011 06:57 PM

hmm This is definitely a good idea!

davidbenedek 09-11-2011 06:46 AM

Ok, so the second post is up for my 90 Day Challenge. In this post i reveal my keyword and i show how i do my keyword research.

Check it out here.

Hope you enjoy :)

davidbenedek 09-18-2011 06:38 AM

Ok, part 3 is up, you can check it out here.

This is just a basic post showing how to setup a wordpress blog so if you already have sites up you can probably skip this one.

However I do talk about the plugins i use and give a small status update on my challenge site so just skip to the bottom if you want to check that out.

Next week will get a bit deeper when i talk about why i structure my blogs differently than most other porn blogs.


TrustCash 09-23-2011 06:21 AM

Good luck! Hope you get tons of money out of this.

davidbenedek 10-11-2011 05:39 AM

Well it's 30 days in and Part 4 of the 90 Day Challenge is up on my blog, you can read it here

In this post i talk about how and why my site is structured quite differently than the typical adult blog, as well as why i think a lot of common perceptions about how an adult blog should be setup are making you spend a lot more time and work a lot harder for your money.

Cheers, David

davidbenedek 10-25-2011 06:41 AM

Part 5 of the 90 Day Challenge is now up on my blog. You can read it here.

This article is all about backlinks and why i think a lot of times you don't need them. From the article...

"Now, before you get all uppity and start telling me that i’m crazy and that backlinks are the most important aspect of getting a site ranking highly, sure, they absolutely are important and i’m not disagreeing with that, they are a hugely important factor in getting a site to rank but you need to look at the overall ROI (Return On Investment) and decide if spending 5 hours building links to a site is going to generate that much extra income, and by “Investment” i mean either in time if you’re doing the work yourself, or monetarily if you’re hiring someone to do that work for you."

Please remember i'm talking about micro-niches here, but a lot of this can be applicable to larger niche sites as well.

90 Day Challenge 005 - Backlinks, And Why You Don't Need Them. | Make Money With Porn

Hope you enjoy it, and i look forward to some interesting discussion on this one ;)

davidbenedek 11-26-2011 07:19 AM

Let the FHlogging begin!

pf69.com 12-09-2011 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by davidbenedek (Post 171836)

you are taking very very long to post on your blog about what you have been doing on your site... but still it is interesting to read it

davidbenedek 12-11-2011 04:22 AM

I've just posted my final report for my 90 Day Challenge blog (or FHLOG ;)). As i say in the report this challenge was more about having a structured way of showing the strategies i use to build my micro-niche blogs and i think i was reasonably successful in doing that, i would have liked to write a lot more but time got in the way so it is what it is :)

I hope you've enjoyed it and i still have plenty more to write about so be sure to check in every now and then, or better yet sign up to my email list so you'll be updated when i make a new post.

You can read the report here

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