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VSDan 09-25-2011 03:25 AM

Protection From Hackers / Password Traders
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dan, the top guy at Virtual Solutions.

This seemed like a good place to introduce our number one selling product: Password Sentry (PS). For those of you unfamiliar with PS, PS is a web application that monitors logins to a paysite - to detect and block password sharing, which can cost sites hundreds or thousands of dollars in terms of bandwidth and lost sales. PS is the original application of this type, originating in 1999. Please visit http://www.password-sentry.com/ to learn more about this great application.

If you have questions or comments, please do not hesitate to ask or post. Ask here, PM me, ICQ me, email me, or ask over at PS site. It's all good - I won't bite =)

VSDan 10-05-2011 11:30 PM

Update: Version 7 of Password Sentry (PS7) has cleared Beta Testing, and has been officially released as current stable Candidate Release. We have also officially launched the new site at password-sentry.com. Watch your steps - there may still be some broken glass on the ground from where we broke the bottle of champagne on the hull of the HMS Sentry :) Steaming ahead [of our competitors] :)

CamsMaster 10-06-2011 04:10 AM

welcome aboard Dan!

VSDan 10-06-2011 04:49 AM

Cheers, thanks!

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