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the420guy 04-17-2003 02:29 AM

420Girls.Com Needs Your Help
high guys..

i am starting from scratch and need help finding affiliates and marketers who can help me post to tgp sites, gather more affiliates, etc...

my site has playboy bunnies, penthouse pets, porn stars, amateur models and more, all nude, doing bong hits, smoking joints, posing with buds, etc...some spreads even include penetration with glass, boy/girl, girl/girl and more..

my affiliate program pays 50% of all signups, 50% of all re-curring billing and 10% for all sales made by referrals of affiliates...

i also need some help with making some killer animated banners and a nice html email blast to send out to my 50,000 email subscriber list i have accumulated over the years from my marijuana magazine, http://www.420times.com

i have no dough to pay for services until the site kicks off, but i can give free memberships to the site, send you some 420 Gear clothing, or you can just help me as your contribution to the cause...;)

i am new to the porn industry and am still learning...
i want to have the best possible conversions, so if you see something i have not done right, let me know, please...;)
all suggestions are more than welcome...
i want to hit every possibility of promoting this...
i am the only one on the planet doing it...
with over 5,000 pictures and some videos, i think everyone that signs up will be more than satisfied.
galleries updated weekly.

i have everything setup through ccbill, so you can be sure to receive checks weekly.

thank you so very much and may the power of 420 be with you...;)

greenest regards,
rob smith

The 420 Girls


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