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scandalbabesuk 10-20-2011 04:22 AM

Regarding Google GEO Location
Hi all Webmaster,

I create one simple problem but my side hard problem. Our .com website, i assign via google webmaster tools united kingdom but google search engine show zambia so i need your help how i can delete zambia and assign united kingdom. this is my urgent work, if you help me i always appreciate you and your friend's because i need you help.

pf69.com 10-20-2011 11:34 AM

if only that was actually a true request...

scandalbabesuk 10-20-2011 11:43 AM

regarding GEO Location
Really i need your help please help me

pf69.com 10-20-2011 12:57 PM

are you located in ZAMBIA?


scandalbabesuk 10-21-2011 04:12 AM

regarding GEO Location
no i from united kingdom but our website location is Zambia but i need assign location united kingdom. our business location is Birmingham in united kingdom. so if possible please help me. I need your help:worthy:

pf69.com 11-07-2011 10:59 AM

set the website location to UK.. that should do the trick...

Evil Chris 11-08-2011 10:42 AM

I don't even know what he's talking about.

I usually just delete these kinds of accounts.

escortmanchesteruk 01-07-2012 05:28 AM

Google GEO Location
hi guys, google GEO location is a main part in divided your website location area. This is very simple

please add these code according your area code.

<meta name="geo.region" content="GB-MAN" />

<meta name="geo.placename" content="Manchester" />

<meta name="geo.position" content="53.480713;-2.234376" />

<meta name="ICBM" content="53.480713, -2.234376" />

these all code are important finding your business area..


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escortmanchesteruk 01-31-2012 07:34 AM

Google Update Algorithims
Hi guys, google update new algo last sunday, ............. please check google update details

1. never use duplicate content
2. always post fresh content
3. never purchase paid link
4. never sell more link
5. post guest blogs
6. one content use only one website/blog/articles/and other place
7. increase traffic with google plus
8. weight unique content website not more content website
9. google like informative website

and many more if you need now more about google algo please visit our site i have used my website according to google algo.


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