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Evil Chris 10-27-2011 01:27 PM

A SexKey crash course - How you can still make money with AVS
Here is a crash course on Sexkey.

When you add a new site to SexKey, you're basically putting together two pages:

1. The Welcome Page. This is the page where the SexKey Join script will be located, so this should be a page that you are driving traffic to. There shouldn't be much content here, and as you'll see in the example, I have only 4 non-clickable thumbs here.
Example: http://www.blimpboobs.com/gals4/01/index_sk.html

2. The Content Page. This is the destination page where the content will be located. The member's area. It's also the page that logged in members of SexKey will see and browse. (return traffic)
Example: http://www.blimpboobs.com/gals4/01/index.htm

Once these pages are created and uploaded, you add them at Sexkey and have them approved. All sites get looked at by us first to avoid any problems like fraud or other illegal stuff.

In my example, I've taken a TGP gallery, and simply built a Sexkey entrance for it. This is one method. You could quite easily turn your idle domains into SexKey sites like this:

http://www.myadultsite.com/ <--- Warning Page
http://www.myadultsite.com/sexkey.html <--- Welcome Page
http://www.myadultsite.com/members/ <--- The Content Page. Member's area.

Do it how you wish, as long as there is a Welcome page, and a Content page.

For every free join you generate, you earn $25. Questions?

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