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luke 04-17-2003 06:44 PM

Gallery Opinions?
I'm messing around with some tgp's trying to get some new traffic flowing and wanted to get some opinions on the galleries. Any comments are welcome.



Kenny B 04-17-2003 06:51 PM

They look great Luke! yeah I've heard you have a hell of a time getting traffic going lol:bonk:

Mister X 04-17-2003 06:58 PM

Not bad at all. Nothing fancy but very clean and fast loading which is important. The petite tina gallery won't do as well as the first one. Mixed pics just can't compete with series pics anymore.

luke 04-17-2003 07:01 PM


Originally posted by Kenny B
They look great Luke! yeah I've heard you have a hell of a time getting traffic going lol:bonk:
More is always better!

luke 04-17-2003 07:03 PM


Originally posted by Mister X
Not bad at all. Nothing fancy but very clean and fast loading which is important. The petite tina gallery won't do as well as the first one. Mixed pics just can't compete with series pics anymore.
Thanks. I haven't messed with tgp's in about 3 years so I figured this was a good first try. So you'd say series pics work better than mixed. That's one thing I didn't even think about.

Mister X 04-17-2003 07:11 PM


Originally posted by luke
Thanks. I haven't messed with tgp's in about 3 years so I figured this was a good first try. So you'd say series pics work better than mixed. That's one thing I didn't even think about.
Definitely... several of the big guys don't even accept mixed pics anymore. Half and half (2 mini sets of 8 or 10) is also a pretty good option.

luke 04-17-2003 07:17 PM

Thanks. I appreciate the comments. Any ways you think I could make them better?

Nina 04-17-2003 09:03 PM

I really like them... nicely laid out, beautiful design.
You'd get me to click through :)

Mister X 04-17-2003 10:13 PM


Originally posted by luke
Thanks. I appreciate the comments. Any ways you think I could make them better?
I think that visually they are just fine. Just noticed one thing on the tristan king gallery though. You have 1 banner and 5 text links for a total of six. Add 3 or 4 reciprocal links if you're planning on doing that kind of submitting and you'll run into trouble getting accepted. Many places limit it to between 2 and 4 banner/text links or 6 to 10 outgoing links including recips. For the sites with scripts that check for that you can combine the 2 flanking text links and the banner into one href statement and that will help you a lot.

luke 04-18-2003 10:42 AM


Originally posted by Nina
I really like them... nicely laid out, beautiful design.
You'd get me to click through :)

Thanks Nina. Got your icq, I'll be on all day so hit me up whenever you're around.

luke 04-18-2003 10:43 AM

I think that visually they are just fine. Just noticed one thing on the tristan king gallery though. You have 1 banner and 5 text links for a total of six. Add 3 or 4 reciprocal links if you're planning on doing that kind of submitting and you'll run into trouble getting accepted. Many places limit it to between 2 and 4 banner/text links or 6 to 10 outgoing links including recips. For the sites with scripts that check for that you can combine the 2 flanking text links and the banner into one href statement and that will help you a lot. [/quote]

Thanks. I'll change that up a bit on the next one and cut down on the amount of links out.

webgurl 04-18-2003 10:00 PM

Hello , My Suggestion is (hmmmm maybe because i am anal) but maybe u should bold - In the Center " You know you want more" and "Come and Get Some" Just so it looks even with the rest of the Text /Font Style :D

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