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WTFBucks 11-15-2011 07:02 AM

WTFBucks launches PublicSexAdventures.com: $30 PPS
http://support.wtfbucks.com/wtf-forums/wtfbucks.png & http://support.wtfbucks.com/wtf-forums/wtfpass.png
proudly announce the jewel in the crown of REALITY niche, the newest site on board:

Public Sex Adventures is the site your surfers will love from the very first glance. Here they will find only HIGH QUALITY content. Exactly what all surfers are looking for and what all affiliates should definitely promote! Only exclusive public sex videos with gorgeous girls:


You still need reasons WHY YOU SHOULD START PROMOTING PublicSexAdventures.com & other sites from WTFpass.com network?

Here is the list of MOST IMPORTANT:
- $30 per signup
- 50% revshare
- 5% referrals
- 8 sites in network
- EXCLUSIVE content
- CUSTOM promo (any kind of tools you need)

We pay via:
- Paxum
- Checks
- Wire

WTFBucks 11-15-2011 07:05 AM

How shameless a girl has to be to do such a crazy thing in public? She doesn't mind flashing in front of people!



We prepare trailers for every update
So that you know what to expect Look at a couple of them!



And you never expect such a thing from a cutie like her:


WTFBucks 11-28-2011 08:09 AM

These girls have literally NO SHAME!

Why else would they show off like that in front of everybody?!

http://support.wtfbucks.com/olga/wtf/psa001600014.jpg http://support.wtfbucks.com/olga/wtf/psa001600029.jpg


http://support.wtfbucks.com/olga/wtf/psa001600061.jpg http://support.wtfbucks.com/olga/wtf/psa001600134.jpg


If pictures don't convince you, I suggest that you watch a trailer for the new update!


WTFBucks 12-13-2011 06:31 AM

WTFBucks 12-29-2011 03:28 AM

WTFBucks 01-11-2012 04:07 AM

WTFBucks 02-21-2012 03:19 AM

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