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cardinalvices 02-20-2012 02:43 AM

CardinalVices.com | We offer best designs on this forum!
Are you tired of waiting for your designer? Are you interested in receiving effective design solutions in a timely matter? Would you like to finally start working on your business? Come to Cardinal Vices.

Cardinal Vices is a team that produces wide range of design services, flash, programming and illustration work. We deliver modern W3C compliant XHTML designs with table less CSS encoding. Our clients includes names like: Python/Dollar Machine, Nubiles.net, 12Clicks Cash, Tushy Cash and many more.

http://www.cardinalvices.com/i/18tk.jpg http://www.cardinalvices.com/i/tmw.jpg http://www.cardinalvices.com/i/nomoreboys.jpg

Why you should choose Cardinal Vices studio?
- We are on the market since the 2000
- We have competitive prices
- We offer services in webdesign/programming/illustration/flash
- We provide support to our work
- We offer professional copywriting services

Visit us on www.cardinalvices.com

Do you need a cartoon character?
http://www.cardinalvices.com/i/gerl01RR.gif http://www.cardinalvices.com/i/Gerl02.gif
Cartoon drawings start from $199 and up.

Do you need banners?
Check out our awesome deal: 100 banners for only $599 (best price in the industry!)

Check out our portfolio:

Beside paysite design we are also offering such popular services as: TGP and Tube site designs with table free CSS coding and much more. Our pricing structure is made so it can satisfy customer of any size, whanever its a beginner or an established company.

For questions or quotes please contact our Sales department 7 days a week:
email: sales 'at' cardinalvices.com
ICQ: 435412482
AIM: CardinalVices
Yahoo: cardinalvices
MSN: sales 'at' cardinalvices.com

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