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extreme 05-12-2012 06:46 PM

signupsluts.com sponsors/paysites/fhgs-list
Hi guys,

I finally dedicated myself to make the webmaster resource site I've always searched for myself.

- Everything is sortable and searchable. Simple interface.
- API to export paysites, FHGs and FLVs as XML, CSV, JSON and pure text.
- Screenshot preview of all paysites for quick glancing.
- Filter on category. Filter on CCBill/NATS.

I wanted to answer real questions for tgp/mgp/tube-site owners:

What sponsor has big images?

What sponsor has the longest flash movies?

I'm looking for sponsors with pregnant sites/content!
(of course all the usual suspects when it comes to categories are available)

Looking for a megasponsor with many sites!

I'm only interested in CCBill sponsors.

Let me know if you miss something that's important to you. SignupSluts is under active development and the aim is to make it best webmaster resource site around to keep your tgp/mgp/tube-site up to date with the best content.



extreme 05-19-2012 11:18 AM

It's now possible search with thumbnail preview: http://signupsluts.com/search?displa...utf8=%E2%9C%93

Sponsors, missing your program? hit me up @ http://signupsluts.com/pages/contact

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