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cdsmith 09-19-2012 08:50 AM

.::Week TWO WINNER in the PussyCash 8th Annual NFL Pickem Pool
It was kind of a week of upsets, no? Indy shows some life beating the Vikes, Arizona knocks off the mighty Patriots, Seattle comes alive and beats the cowgirls, Miami crushes Oakland ....and what is up with New Orleans? I honestly did not see them losing to Carolina, did you?

The winner of week 2 in the PUSSYCA$H NFL Pickem Pool is jackd22 ,
with an incredible 13 out of 16 games picked correctly for a total of 228 points.

Congratulations jackd22!!

And might I add, well done. 13 out of 16 is some gooood picking.

You win this week's cash prize of $100! :D
(doubled to $200 if you have made at least one signup to ImLive in past 30 days)

To collect your prize: send an ICQ to Adam: 174-167-541
Or email him at: adam at pussycash dot com

Overall Top 10 Pool Leaders:
1. morri 390
2. jackd22 386
3. zoltic 366
4. WigglesNFL 352
5. FancyFoosballFriends 348
6. Fonz666 342
7. EvilChris 338
8. Gator56964 326
9. Itchy 310
10. RED4VIDS 304

Stats: We have a total of 93 industry peeps registered in the pool.

Not in the pool yet?....
If you're not yet in the pool: it's not too late!
Plenty of great weekly cash prizes yet to be won.

1. Go to www.poolhost.com
2. Click Login (or Register if this is your first time playing)
3. Mouseover User Tools (in the left menu) and click "Join a private pool", then click on the "Pro Pickem" icon
4. Pool's login name = pcash12
5. Pool's Password = ImLive

NOTE: Remember to set your preferences to be able to receive email from the pool administrator so you get notices and updates.

Lastly, if you're not yet signed up as an affiliate...
there's no time like the present!!

Get in the game and get set to have many weeks of fun in the football pool
and also be eligible for all of the other great PussyCash promotions and
moneymaking opportunities that only PussyCash affiliates enjoy.

cdsmith 09-20-2012 12:30 PM

Thursday night football seems to be an every week thing now. Get your picks in before tonight's game and capitalize on the points.

As always Sunday is the final deadline.

Good luck in week 3 everyone.

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