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-   -   Misty Anderson vs. Misty Gates: The Cinnamon Challenge (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=30279)

Phad 09-24-2012 08:32 PM

Misty Anderson vs. Misty Gates: The Cinnamon Challenge
What's more erotic than two girls gagging on something? Hardly anything, right?

The first round of the Misty vs. Misty showdown starts with the occasionally brutal, always entertaining "Cinnamon Challenge". Many have tried, few have succeeded to complete this challenge, which involves swallowing an entire tablespoon of powdered cinnamon without sipping water.

Teaser Site:

Round 1: The Cinnamon Challenge
http://www.mistyvsmisty.com/sourcefi...creencap-3.jpg http://www.mistyvsmisty.com/sourcefi...creencap-2.jpg
http://www.mistyvsmisty.com/sourcefi...creencap-1.jpg http://www.mistyvsmisty.com/sourcefi...creencap-4.jpg

Here is the source file of the teaser video:
http://www.mistyvsmisty.com/sourcefiles/MistyvsMisty-who-is-the-mistiest.mp4 (80 MB 1620x910 .mp4)

Here is the source file of Round 1: The Cinnamon Challenge
http://www.mistyvsmisty.com/sourcefi...-challenge.mp4 (112 MB 1280x720 .mp4)

On Youtube:

Teaser Video:

Round 1: The Cinnamon Challenge

Thanks for reading, and thanks to Gunner and Misty!

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