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luke 04-24-2003 01:35 PM

Newsgroup Software and Providers?
Can anyone recommend any automated newsgroup posting software and newgroup feed providers?

Mister X 04-24-2003 10:34 PM

About all that I'll recommend is that you don't waste your time with newsgroups. I think they're pretty much dead territory now. I haven't heard of anyone lately that has had much luck with them. And there are as many fanatical anti-spam zealots there as there are in the email game. :(

Carrie 04-24-2003 11:09 PM

Even more so. A client of mine had been a member of a newsgroup for months, but the instant he posted part of an article he had written with a URL to the rest of it, they were on him like sharks. Emailing me demanding his site be taken down, etc. I was able to go back through the group online and prove he'd been a member and it wasn't a one-time spam, which kept *my* provider from cutting me off (the sharks had also gone upstream of me).
"Zealots" isn't quite strong enough for those people.

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