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Pornkings Jen 04-25-2003 08:50 PM

Because of Twinkley....
I have come to this board. Yes, beware all! I may be scary (at times) I may be bitchy (at times) but most of the time, I am sweet as pie:angel:

Glad to be here!

Vid Vicious 04-25-2003 09:28 PM

Welcome PK_jen .. Glad you can make ..

WE all blame Twinkely over here too .. you should feel right at home :)

Panky 04-25-2003 09:43 PM

Welcum to XNations Jen! <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/a/bye.gif" width="25" height="15">

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

Olivier 04-25-2003 09:51 PM

Hi there!

Welcome sweet Jen! :cloud9:

Pornkings Jen 04-25-2003 09:52 PM

Thx, guys... and I promise to behave, well at least try!

Pidgin 04-25-2003 10:15 PM

We'll deal with twinkley later for that mistake..
for now...

Welcome Jennifer :D

Evil Chris 04-25-2003 11:34 PM

Welcome aboard Jen! Awfully happy to have you here! :boatswain

WiredGuy 04-26-2003 12:23 AM

Re: Because of Twinkley....
1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by Pornkings Jen
I have come to this board. Yes, beware all! I may be scary (at times) I may be bitchy (at times) but most of the time, I am sweet as pie:angel:

Glad to be here!

Wohoo! Another forum where I can hit on you.
HI JEN!!!!


Purple Haze 04-26-2003 12:38 AM

Welcome to the board! And you should listen to Twinkley, she knows what she's talking about, this is a great board to hang out in.

Purple Haze :)

pornJester 04-26-2003 12:56 AM

Hey Jen, welcome aboard :)

StuartD 04-26-2003 02:01 AM

Welcome to XNations :xthumbs:

wsjb78 04-26-2003 03:15 AM


Originally posted by Purple Haze
Welcome to the board! And you should listen to Twinkley, she knows what she's talking about, this is a great board to hang out in.

Purple Haze :)

Twinkley also exerted her powers on me and talked me into coming here.......... and I'm glad to be here! A great bunch of people here!

Pidgin 04-26-2003 05:49 AM

Yep. Great place to be in. Defenitly THE place to be.

Though it all started going downhill since StuartD joined, but that's another story. :p

Mister X 04-26-2003 11:25 AM

Welcome aboard the X! :xhappy:

Let me me be the first to tell you that this is definitely a clothing optional zone! ;)

Unfortunately that means you also have the option of wearing clothes. :(


Pornkings Jen 04-26-2003 04:42 PM


Originally posted by Mister X
Welcome aboard the X! :xhappy:

Let me me be the first to tell you that this is definitely a clothing optional zone! ;)

Unfortunately that means you also have the option of wearing clothes. :(


HA! I will keep that in mind. Thanks everyone for such a nice welcome! Nice to see some familiar faces and very nice to meet some new ones!!!!

barryf 04-26-2003 11:39 PM

Welcome to X-Nations (aren't you glad I didn't say welcome a-"board"?) :)


Dwreck 04-27-2003 04:05 AM

Because of Twinkley I have got cotnent sales, met Karen from adult spin the list can go on forever.

Welcome Pornkings Jen! more hotties!! :blush:

wsjb78 04-27-2003 04:45 AM


Originally posted by ContentGuy Derek
Because of Twinkley I have got cotnent sales, met Karen from adult spin the list can go on forever.
You're speaking of Twinkley Content?

sweet 04-27-2003 09:05 PM

SWEET Welcome!!!

twinkley 04-29-2003 11:21 AM

Don't let her fool ya guys ....

Jen is only about one of the sweetest, nicest, secksiest webmasters out there!

Welcome to XNations Jen!!


PaulSweet 04-29-2003 01:33 PM


MCsteve 04-29-2003 02:52 PM

Hi Jen, pornkings are good peeps! welcome to the board! :)

Raven 04-29-2003 11:05 PM

Hey, Jen!!!

WiredGuy 04-30-2003 02:45 AM


Originally posted by twinkley
Don't let her fool ya guys ....

Jen is only about one of the sweetest, nicest, secksiest webmasters out there!

Welcome to XNations Jen!!


Thank you for bringing Jen to Xnations Twinkley, I visit this board again now :blush:


twinkley 04-30-2003 09:59 AM

hehehehe I'm starting to think this quote was started cause of Jen...

"Everywhere you go, you will be loved"

For sure this is true on the Fucking Internet :)



Kath 04-30-2003 01:10 PM

Twinkley is a bad/good influence on a lot of us.

Welcome to the board Jen - nice to see you here as well! XNations is a cool place to hang out. :cool:

twinkley 04-30-2003 01:27 PM

hahahaha unique arent I

I can be both a GOOD and BAD influence on people .... at the same time! hahahaha


Visualad 04-30-2003 08:41 PM


PornDaddy 05-01-2003 11:46 AM

Good to see you Jen :^)

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