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Transfering file Computer to Computer question! Please help
Hey guys,
I currently have about 50 high qaulity pics from the torornto webmaster on this computer and I want to tansfer it to my other computer with Phtooshop on it! How do you recomend doin that? What;s winzip and how do you use it? I remember that kinda. Am I on the right track? I dont want to lose quality of the pics? |
Winzip is for compressing files. Well, you have various ways to do that:
1.) Setting up a small network, either by switch and network cables or with a 0-modem cable (attached to the serial ports). For this to work you must grant priviledges. 2.) You can burn the pics on a cd and transfer them like that 3.) You can temporarily put the pics on a webserver and download them from the ohter. There are more ways to do it. It just depends on how you want to do it... |
Probably the easiest quick and dirty method to do it is to use AIM, MSN or ICQ to do it if they are both internet connected PCs. You don't need to use winzip unless you just want to put them into one file for easy transfer. What I have done in the past is have 2 AIM accounts and set them to auto-accept files from people in the buddylist. Then it's a fairly simple process to send the files that way. A CD-RW is a fast and secure way to do it if you have a burner on the box with the pics too of course.
I was told that because a JPEG is already a compressed file, putting them in a zip file does not help (other than convenience as Mister X pointed out).
True? |
Thanks wsjb78 so winzip is not applicable here?
I dont have a cd burner on this computer. Where and how can learn about setting a small nerwork. I work from one office and my other computer with printer, phtoshop etc in in an other room. Im currently running a router so wer are sharing the same internet connection. Can you give me a link the a picture of a the cords,pricings and a turtial on what to do. Thanks MR X I will messager to tranfer files. But let's say I want to email 50 pics how camn you do that? |
Use floppy disks, do you know how to use them ?
If both computers are connected to the same router then they are already networked. But if you don't know how to transfer the files directly (i.e. without going out over the Internet) then I suggest you just ICQ them. For just 50 photos it will take way less time than figuring out your LAN.
For the long run, though, I suggest you set up password-protected shared drives between the two computers. Then you can just drag and drop files from one to the other. B |
OK I want to figure out my Lan! how do I do that Barry?
Where can I get winzip? And how hard is it to use? I have my router cd? Will this be needed? What kind of money will I have to invest to get these computers linked? Where is the serieal port? |
How have you been able to be in this biz for such a long time without knowing how to do all that (especially using winzip and where is the serial port). I thought you were a wizz kid ! |
Horg why be like that brutha? I come here to learn not to be made fun of. There is so much to learn in this biz I never claimed to know it all! ::-| |
You are too funny. Be easy on Derek....He is a front end guy, so he has mainly focused on sales and marketing. Where he was before, they had other staff that worried about all of the computer and geeky stuff. I know Derek didn't know too much about pc's back in the day with he sat next to one of the pc's that had the live office cams on it and I watched him use the CD tray on the pc tower for a coffee holder. ;) hehehehe....just messing Derek. My advice is stick to what you know best and hire others to do what you don't know about. Good luck on figuring out your image transfer problem....You will be a pro at it soon enough. :) |
Hey Derek sorry if I hurt your feelings. I honestly thought this was a joke. I have been using computers since I was 9 so sometimes I forget that some people in this biz are not as familiar with them as I am. BTW for your question, if your computers are in the same building, get yourself a hub and network cards. It's the best way to do it !
Hmmm, just some more hints:
1.) Using ICQ - You can drag and drop and transfer whole folders by ICQ when you drag the folder from Windows Explorer to the other contact on your list. 2.) Setting up Lan: First of all a router is not really necessary but it will ensure that you're operating in the same subnet mask. Equipement you need: 1 Hub or Switch 2 Network Cables (straight) if you wanna use a router you obviously need also a router and one more network cable (straight) Connection (with router): - Connect your router to the switch/hub with a cable. Use the switch's or hub's UPLINK port - Connect your two computers to the switch / hub. Make sure to not use the first or last port (depending on where your uplink port is). I guess you have this working so far.... Now, you have to make sure in your Control Panel / System that both computers belong to the same workgroup (it's not necessary but it makes life a lot easier). Meaning if you installed on both pc the same windows language you should have settled this already. now comes the tough part. What are you using? W2k? Win98? WinME? Win XP? Because for each system has a different user management... but basically you will need to make user accounts for other people (or if username / pwd is the same as the login on each one you don't need to do that). Then you will have to give those users access to files and folders... |
As far as winzip goes, I think you can find it at winzip.com . Or else do a search on Google. Also many other programs have at least basic zip functionality built in. Since you probably deal with images a lot ACDSee would be a good investment.
When it comes to networking, get yourself to your local computer shop or bookstore and grab a book. I'm pretty sure there is a networking for dummies book that will have the info you need. |
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