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Dwreck 04-28-2003 03:32 AM

Girls have an unfair advantage in this biz!
OK here goes nuthin,

This is my thrid year in the biz and I never claimed to know everthing but I must say girls have an unfair advantage in this biz!

The ratio must be 10-1 guys versus girls. I wont mention names but they tend to rise faster, get more attention and get admired more.

No matter how many trade shows and how many people I have baught lap dances for I could hire a girls sales person tommrow for our content team and she would out sell me 2-1.

Im not sure about female webmaster but in the content game they have me beat.

I cant believe I just said that :bonk: but it;s true.

I love you ladies dont ever get me wrong!!

naughtyjenn 04-28-2003 03:43 AM

i think we may have an advantage with content because a good percent of us are the ones in the content and rather than dealing with a 3rd party its better for the people who want it to talk right to the source

pornJester 04-28-2003 07:01 AM

I think the girls who aren't content but rather do marketing or other areas of the business get extra attention at the tradeshows, hence may get more networking done, because there are so few of them and I think guys are impressed at the fact that they are cool with porn. :D

Mister X 04-28-2003 09:02 AM

I'm sure you're probably right, lol. Certainly sales is all about getting noticed and the gals get noticed a LOT faster. :D

sweetums 04-28-2003 10:53 AM


As one of the women in this industry who's on the non-content side, I'd like to respond.

Some of you are correct when you say that because of the sheer proportions of women-to-men on the marketing/sales/tech side of this biz, the women probably stand out more at the shows. That may have it's advantages, but it certainly can have it's disadvantages too.

Many of the women working on this side of the biz have the major advantage of not being enchanted by the "porn". We all seem to have a major respect for the open expression of sexuality, but aren't distracted by the "T & A" aspects of the industry. Besides which...at the end of the day...if you don't seem to have a clue as to what you're talking about...if you aren't honest and ethical....well, despite your gender/sex...that's going to bite you in the ass.

Nowhere in this thread have I heard anything about the fact that many of these women are some of the hardest working people in this industry. They're strong, intelligent, and determined. Perhaps that's why they experience the kind of job advancement and success that's been mentioned.

I won't name names...you know who you are....but, to the wonderful women of this industry who've graced my life...thank you.

McAttack 04-28-2003 11:59 AM

Good point Sweetums,

I've never heard of any of the women in this industry say that they just sit back and watch the money roll in. They do work hard. But I also know that if I ever need a sales rep, I would definetly give an advantage to a smart good looking woman, over a smart good looking man.

But it's not just this industry. I worked briefly in the pharmaceutical industry before, and noticed that teh sales force was firstly all very good looking people, but secondly, the best sales reps were women.

Same goes for the PC industry.

Magick 04-28-2003 01:06 PM


Originally posted by sweetums

As one of the women in this industry who's on the non-content side, I'd like to respond.

Some of you are correct when you say that because of the sheer proportions of women-to-men on the marketing/sales/tech side of this biz, the women probably stand out more at the shows. That may have it's advantages, but it certainly can have it's disadvantages too.

Many of the women working on this side of the biz have the major advantage of not being enchanted by the "porn". We all seem to have a major respect for the open expression of sexuality, but aren't distracted by the "T & A" aspects of the industry. Besides which...at the end of the day...if you don't seem to have a clue as to what you're talking about...if you aren't honest and ethical....well, despite your gender/sex...that's going to bite you in the ass.

Nowhere in this thread have I heard anything about the fact that many of these women are some of the hardest working people in this industry. They're strong, intelligent, and determined. Perhaps that's why they experience the kind of job advancement and success that's been mentioned.

I won't name names...you know who you are....but, to the wonderful women of this industry who've graced my life...thank you.

Amen sistah ;)

Magnus3x 04-28-2003 01:14 PM


i think we may have an advantage with content because a good percent of us are the ones in the content and rather than dealing with a 3rd party
I dont want to sound rude, but that is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. What an insult to the women in this biz! I have many female friends who make a real good living in this industry on their own, who design sites ..promote and sell them and do it by themselves.

The numbers may be smaller and I know a lot of them dont hit the boards or go to conventions.

naughtyjenn 04-28-2003 01:47 PM

i was saying from my point of view as a model

Magnus3x 04-28-2003 02:00 PM

I saw the word "We" LOL

no worries..welcome to Xnations BTW:D

pornodoggy 04-28-2003 02:01 PM

Interesting discussion - but if women in the industry have any kind of advantage, it's because the men in the industry (or some of them) give it to them.

naughtyjenn 04-28-2003 02:06 PM

pornodoggy: yes i think the that some spots that females have the advanatage is because of men... but also alot of females bust their butt working to make a name for them in this industry..

Dwreck 04-28-2003 02:27 PM

This is what I wanted to hear good stuff guys! I argee 100% with you Lisa. You are a class act!

I like what pornjester said and that's what I meant.

Macattack said it well also. "I've never heard of any of the women in this industry say that they just sit back and watch the money roll in. They do work hard. But I also know that if I ever need a sales rep, I would definetly give an advantage to a smart good looking woman, over a smart good looking man."

Im just saying that being a girl in this industry must have it's perks some days more so than being a dude.

Lisa what are some of the dissavanteges?

And for me my greatest help have been from girls in this Industry. Cydnee from Adult Chamber, Louisa from Lightspeed, Magick herslef back in the day, Susan from couples-sex.com, Twinkley, Karen from adultspin.com, Kristin from montercock project, Alisa from large cash, Webgurl, Shan from piecash, Elisa and Caroline from platinum bcuks, Whitney from megapornbucks, Jenice from nastbucks, Kit from adultnetsurprise . Laurel from Hustler, Ellie from webmasterparadise, Allison from host4porn, Marsha from Ratedhot, Shaw cutie, Ali from Sextracker, LauireX from Falconphoto, Kath from Kilxxx, Jen from freenetpass, Odie from adultpaymaster, and I wouldnt be where I am today with out Sniper aka Aleks my boss. So I agree girls do rock !

Cyndalie 04-28-2003 03:53 PM

Derek if you quit whining so much you'd be making more sales :nyanya:

Just joking brotha, it's all about the person, not their sex that makes the difference.

Vid Vicious 04-28-2003 04:00 PM

Derek wanna triple your sales during shows ? hire a whore to help you finalize the sales ! :D :bonk:

Magick 04-28-2003 05:50 PM


Originally posted by ContentGuy Derek

Magick herslef back in the day

Back in the day? AM I THAT OLD???????



ric knows nina 04-28-2003 07:39 PM

I don't know about all you gals, but I've always gotten by purely on my looks. ::-|

webgurl 04-28-2003 08:59 PM


Originally posted by pornJester
I think the girls who aren't content but rather do marketing or other areas of the business get extra attention at the tradeshows, hence may get more networking done, because there are so few of them and I think guys are impressed at the fact that they are cool with porn. :D
That would be Me :)

LAJ 04-29-2003 03:17 AM

You know Derek... I kind of have to disagree with ya dude... I think yes, women get a lot more attention in our industry, but they have to work A LOT harder at getting respect as opposed to a guy.

PrincessX 04-29-2003 02:26 PM

Derek Babe... smooches :D

Nice try at getting us girls riled up... and don't even TELL me you didn't do that on purpose ;)

You KNOW you are one of the nicest, most honest, and hard-working dudes out there... and being a great, honest, and hard-working PERSON is the only true way to be successful no matter what your gender.

... and I already TOLD you I'd buy you a lap dance when we're in Miami

Later dude!

Shannon (PrincessX)

Odie 04-29-2003 03:08 PM


Originally posted by LAJ
You know Derek... I kind of have to disagree with ya dude... I think yes, women get a lot more attention in our industry, but they have to work A LOT harder at getting respect as opposed to a guy.

I agree! Being the newbie girl in the industry and having attended 2 shows recently, I totally had to work my butt off to gain any respect.
Coming from the "corporate " world, I had my degrees and experience to back me in attaining respect from men in the industry but being in the porn industry, we are scrutinized and watched a lot more than the male webmaster.

For example, being in Phoenix, I met a few webmasters who, initially thought I was content and actually asked me if I was and who I worked for. So, we may get more attention, but we have to work harder at getting the respect that we want and deserve but the hardest part is maintaining it

Dwreck 04-29-2003 03:25 PM


Originally posted by LAJ
You know Derek... I kind of have to disagree with ya dude... I think yes, women get a lot more attention in our industry, but they have to work A LOT harder at getting respect as opposed to a guy.
HEY Jay!! I never thought about that! Good Call

Shan!! What up! I cant wait to see you in Miami!! I did this to bring out all the gurls your right!

You KNOW you are one of the nicest, most honest, and hard-working dudes out there... and being a great, honest, and hard-working PERSON is the only true way to be successful no matter what your gender.

Odie poeple think Im content all the time :blush: Very good point and you earned my respect in Toronto.

twinkley 04-29-2003 04:41 PM

One other thing that has gone unsaid...

Women tend to be more openly social than guys do. They build lasting business and personal relationships easier. They are usually easier to talk to. Note i used the words "usually" and "tend" because there are always exceptions to the rule.

You are more likely to do business with a company when you have a rappore with one of their reps. Women tend to have/make that rappore faster and longer.


Phoenix 04-29-2003 04:56 PM

people do not always just go for the best set of tits, if they did, they would be out of business. girls are nice to look at and talk to, so yeah, they get some easier attention, but if they don't know what they are talking about then they wouldn't get jack...so that being said, the girls who survive and thrive are pretty much like most in the biz, bright personable people, who learn what they need to, to be able to talk about a given subject.

:rolleyes: ;)

Shann 04-29-2003 06:04 PM

Aww Derek you are such a cutie! :)

I have found that I've had to work harder b/c I'm a woman and not content, being at a sausage party where 2 girls are going at is and being the only woman clothed, is a bit intimidating. Trying to talk business to a guy who only stares at your tits, is a but lame too.

When I've been asked if I do content or if i'd like to, I politely say no. I'm not offended, but I how many times does that happen to guys in the biz? Not near as much as it does to women I'm sure.

I intitally had to fight harder to get the respect I deserved because I was a woman and a mom, porn was not for me I was told (i was doing admin work at a porn company at the time). But when i was put in the position i wanted, i busted my ass and proved them that i was the "man" for the job.

Now, i feel like i'm an equal, and I can easily blow off the "show us your tits" comments on boards! lol

And Derek you are so cute, you would have my business just based on that!


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