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Evil Chris 05-02-2003 09:25 AM

Lizzie McGuire
Lizzie McGuire is someone I never even heard of until this morning. But from the looks of it, she may well go on to be the next Britney Spears.

She's already done over 60 episodes of her TV show, and her new movie (released by Disney) will probably be a huge hit.


Anyone ever watch her TV show? I'm just wondering what the deal is... whether its directed mainly for the 12 year and under crowd, or are they making her out to be a sexy underage girl?

She was made up to look 21 on Good Morning American today...

Pornkings Jen 05-02-2003 09:50 AM

My son has a super big crush on her. I don't think they make her out to be sexy at all. She was in the Cody Banks movie last month (yes, I am all up to date on the kid flicks) and personally, I think she is super cute. I think she is only like 15 or something like that.

LaurieX 05-02-2003 10:25 AM

My daughter is 7 and she LOVES Lizzie McGuire. It is actually the only show that she watches that I can tolerate cause I am not into cartoons. I'ts actually a really good show. I like watching it. It's a comedy show about a young girl coming of age. She is kinda clumsy and not very popular in school. Go figure she's cute! I am taking my daughter to see the movie this weekend. And your right Chris she is the next up and coming teen star. :sunshine: I am sure there a lot of perverts giving her the eye kinda like the Oleson twins LOL!

Evil Chris 05-02-2003 11:11 AM

Yeah she's 15 years old now but I just saw her again on Regis & Kelly (my Mom watches that ok? :p ). She looked more like 20 but it's encouraging to hear that she's popular with the little ones. It would be way too early for Hollywood to start transforming her into a young sex symbol.

But she's cute and was very polite on the morning shows today. She was also pretty nervous, but anxious that her movie opens today.

Mister X 05-02-2003 01:03 PM

It looks like sex sells even with the younger set. They certainly seem to be emphasizing the size of her underage boobs on the disney websites.

Magnus3x 05-02-2003 01:28 PM


Yeah she's 15 years old now but I just saw her again on Regis & Kelly (my Mom watches that ok
*cough cough..BULLSHIT cough cough*

Well it's better than the parents with 11 year old daughters on websites getting clothes form 50 year old men and "posing" in them. Claiming the site is for "stardom" and not for the $3000/week in exploitation money from all her "fans".

Kris 05-02-2003 05:18 PM

i heard a song on the radio yesterday about the olson twins. it was pretty funny stuff. never seen lizzie m., for some reason she reminds me of molly ringwald :)

Hilary Duff is a TX girl!

Macho 05-03-2003 04:12 PM

yepp i seen a number of Lizzie McGuire shows I think its good for kids, each episode has some sort of teen reality message in there, its alos had alot of guest stars....

But i do like toons & they have this one called Kimpossible which its pretty cool as well & I see Disney capitalizing on that one either on the Movies or Video soon! :D

Bigsampy 05-05-2003 10:45 AM

Re: Lizzie McGuire

Originally posted by Evil Chris
Lizzie McGuire is someone I never even heard of until this morning. But from the looks of it, she may well go on to be the next Britney Spears.

She's already done over 60 episodes of her TV show, and her new movie (released by Disney) will probably be a huge hit.


Anyone ever watch her TV show?

Nope, my 10 month old turns it to Univision unless "The Wiggles" are on. Besides, my wife would kick my ass!

Kath 05-05-2003 01:01 PM

My daughter is a Lizzie fan - my son USED to have a crush on her (he says until she became a "trashy ho" - his words - lol) awhile back. We watch a lot of the Disney Channel and I agree, I'm a fan of the show as well. I think it's great for the kids - always a positive message.

As for her singing? It's getting better - but she still has a long way to go before she's the next Britney in anything. It's funny - never drew a line between the two on the Disney/blonde/actress-turned-popstar thing before, but yeah - it could happen.

We were going to see the movie this weekend, but my daughter and I spent it painting her bedroom PURPLE - lol A lot of work but actually a lot of fun spending some good bonding time with her. They grow up SO fast! We will probably see it next weekend. Should be pretty good - all shot on location in ROME - even if the storyline ends up stinking. lol :)

Kris 05-05-2003 07:52 PM

Re: Re: Lizzie McGuire

Originally posted by Bigsampy
Nope, my 10 month old turns it to Univision unless "The Wiggles" are on. Besides, my wife would kick my ass!
i was just visiting my parents and my sister's family. my 2 yr old nephew is a fan of the wiggles, and evidently my 30 yr old bro-in-law is too. they're going to see them live in dallas some time soon.

i think we missed out on some cool stuff as kids.


Bigsampy 05-05-2003 07:53 PM

Re: Re: Re: Lizzie McGuire

Originally posted by Kris
i was just visiting my parents and my sister's family. my 2 yr old nephew is a fan of the wiggles, and evidently my 30 yr old bro-in-law is too. they're going to see them live in dallas some time soon.

i think we missed out on some cool stuff as kids.


Nah, we had HR Pufnstuff, Sigmund the Seymonster, and the ORIGINAL scooby doo!

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