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ClickCastX 02-27-2013 11:14 AM

Adult webmasters need the Video-On-Demand software ClickCastX Version 2.0.

For webmasters looking for an easier, cheaper and dynamic Video-On-Demand (VOD) software system, they should look into ClickCastX version 2 as a viable alternative from other existing software in the market. The content management system is the turnkey custom video-on-demand software platform designed exclusively for adult content. More timely product features had been added to meet the growing demands of the market.

Important new additions include:

– Unlimited content viewing for VIP members. Capability to select Videos for discounted VIP pricing. Loading monthly credits for VIP membership

– FREE content viewing without registration. Capability to add advertising pre-rolls, image ads when the video is paused or text ads over the video and generate pay-per-click revenue.

– Mobile (WAP) and web templates

– Live video capability through Wowza

– Autodetect no flash and show HTML5 on all pages.

Its creator, Adult Digital Solutions COO Claudio Lai is proud of his new baby. "After so many years tinkering about and slowly building the sundry list of imporvements, I am confident that what we are offering now is a much more responsive version that helps solves most programming problems for webmasters."

To commemorate the occasion, a new site has been created to streamline the various features of the VOD software.

The software starts at $59/month.

ClickCastX is a custom Video on Demand software platform using the Wowza Flash Media Streaming System. ClickCastX is easy to use as it is to setup. No complex server requirements and we will do it for you!

A new demo site (http://demo.clickcastx.com/) has been created to show how easy and simple it is to create a working video-on-demand site using ClickCastX.

For more information, visit the site
Tel: (818) 851-1059
Email: Info@clickcastx.com
ICQ: 433-857-869

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