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Adultcontent.nl PR 05-17-2013 10:18 AM

EroAdvertising Launches New 'InVideo Ad Plugin'
May 15th 2013

OSS, The Netherlands

EroAdvertising Launches New 'InVideo Ad Plugin'

Global Adult Advertising Network EroAdvertising launched a new 'InVideo Ad Plugin' today that supports various Video-Players with many new functionalities.

In addition to showing ads only through JW-Player up till today, it is now possible to show 'InVideo Ads' in the following Video-Players / configurations:
✓ Kernel Team Player (Flash and HTML5)
✓ Flow Player (Flash and HTML5)
✓ JW Player (Flash and HTML5)

The above Video-Players / configurations now also have MORE and/or NEW functionalities:
• Preroll, Pause, Midroll and Postroll
• Option to use 'Fading'
• Various Ad positions in the Video-Players: Top-left, top-center, top-right, left-middle, center, right-middle, left-bottom, center-bottom, right-bottom
• Various Ad sizes in the Video-Players: Show 'any size' thumbs ads, banner ads, photo ads or text ads.

The new 'InVideo Ad Plugin' now has improved settings and functions, unlike the previous options, it is now much easier and more intuitive to add this 'InVideo Plugin' to Video-Players on adult video websites. The "InVideo Ad Plugin' supports these players on all screens: PC's, mobile smartphones and tablets.

Advertisers can now selectively target (or exclude) Ad-spots shown in these Video-Players using the new 'InVideo Ad Plugin'.

With such constant innovation, EroAdvertising keeps ahead of the Industry requirements needed in the online adult advertising market today.

For more information or an online Demo page with all above features, please visit www.EroAdvertising.com or email sales@ero-advertising.com so one of our local account managers can contact you.

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