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keyDet79 08-18-2013 05:26 PM

[XenLayer.com]: Test our Shared Hosting for FREE!
At XenLayer.com we take hosting seriously. With a wide range of solutions like Virtual/Reseller hosting, VPS and dedicated servers, our philosophy is to offer the most up-to-date features and technology in our services, whilst providing the fullest extent of management and support. We make ourselves available as much as possible to help with any questions or problems our customers may have and try to resolve each problem completely within a reasonable amount of time.

A quick impression of our shared hosting packages:


For a FREE MONTH on any shared hosting package, use the following coupon: XLFreeFall2013 - valid for a limited time.
We do not auto-bill, cancel at any time during your free month, or at the end of your cycle, and pay **absolutely nothing** - no questions asked!

Your monthly contract with XenLayer comes with Full System Management.
We will help you out with whatever you need:

- Migration of your current websites
- Installation of additional services and scripts
- Configuration of your system software
- Updates, patches and periodic check-ups
- Monitoring of resource usage and abnormal activity

The XenLayer International Network is connected via transit/transport provided by Highwinds/BandCon, Telia, XO Communications, Cogent Communications, Hurricane Electric, Zayo Bandwidth, Hibernia Atlantic, & private peering. We own our servers, love to help and have been in the paravirtualization game since 2008!

We are looking forward to welcoming you onboard!

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