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-   -   Webmaster Meeting 2013 Suderbruch-Germany, Pics from FUBAR (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=31884)

JFK 08-21-2013 01:51 PM

Webmaster Meeting 2013 Suderbruch-Germany, Pics from FUBAR
Spent last weekend in Germany, hanging out with friends and taking part in the "Beach Party" 2 days of all out networking. Seems like the event is getting bigger and bigger, each year that I attend. All due to the hard work of Matthias and crew, who pull out all stops to make it a success.

Check out the pics under "Latest Event Photo Gallery" http://www.fubarwebmasters.com/index1.php

Next month heading back to Europe for the "Fall European Tour" The stops include - If you can, come and join the shenanigans ;)
Amsterdam -http://www.webmasteraccess.com/
London - http://www.xbizeu.com/
Budapest - http://www.theeuropeansummit.com/en
Munich - http://www.oktoberfestgathering.com/





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