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tropica 05-06-2003 10:04 AM

I have only just started setting up some feeders. How do you get traffic in? Their must be an easier way than my partner and I staying up until god knows what time submitting to different search engines. :confused:

Evil Chris 05-06-2003 10:33 AM

tropica... firstly, welcome to xnations.
We have a very tight crew here, and I'm sure you'll find many answers to any questions you might have.

Why don't you try adding links to some of the top link lists out there, or some of the TGPs. That will bring some traffic in to you. Try some, and obviously keep the ones that are working for both you and them.

Again... welcome! :xhappy:

tropica 05-06-2003 10:36 AM

Thankyou for your welcome;) All this is totally new to me. Please bare with me if it takes me a while to pick it up.

Evil Chris 05-06-2003 10:41 AM

trop... Here's an example of the kinds of free sites you can build and receive traffic back from.
This is one of my hundred or so... You just gotta keep building 'em.


Once they are built, you just leave them there. Don't waste time updating or changing links... just move on and do more. Always more. You could use the lists I have listed on there as a guide if you wish. Most of them are good at listing you, and they do send traffic back. In terms of the content you see there... Most of it I purchased (licensed), but some of it is provided by the programs I am pushing.

Evil Chris 05-06-2003 10:42 AM

P.S. Have a good look at all four pages. Remember the basic stuff like optimizing each page for SE's etc..

On 4 pages, there can be a lot to remember.

McAttack 05-06-2003 11:17 AM

Good stuff Chris.

Tropica, Another thing you might want to try for the SEs is something like Web Position Gold. I haven't had a chance to try it myself, but a few people swear by it.

McAttack 05-06-2003 11:18 AM

Also Chris, one thing you might want to try. It's a bit underhanded but whatever! For my "No, I want to leave" exit link, instead of google, send it to a PPC sponsor for gambling sites or something like that. You dont' get much traffic that way but if you're gonna waste the traffic anyways, might as well get something out of it.

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