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adultsitecms 10-21-2013 10:28 AM

AdultSiteCMS Pro Uses Magic Members For Membership Management
AdultSiteCMS Pro isn't just all about Wordpress, the CMS is also a collection of other proprietary software that webmasters may have to spend additional dollars if bought separately. One of them is MagicMembers Plug-in. MagicMembers is a fully integrated WordPress membership and subscription plug-in that turns a regular blog into a money-making membership site.

Essentially, Adult webmasters can create their membership site run by Wordpress without fuss. The interface makes it easy for webmasters to create, run and maintain a site without getting too much into the programming side. To understand Magic Members even more, here's a more technical explanation from the people behind the plug-in.

And here's what other webmasters say about the plug-in.

If you purchase MagicMember separately, you need to pay any one of the packages. But in AdultSiteCMS Pro ver. 1, this plug-in is bundled for every license bought.


If you want to see how Magic Members and other features make AdultSiteCMS Pro v.1, adult webmasters only need to click here for a demo (http://adultsitecms.com/demopro).

For more information on how to acquire a single domain or unlimited license of the software, contact us with any one the info listed below:

Tel: 818.276.1792
ICQ: 433-857-869

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