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elmy 02-06-2014 11:19 AM

Promotional space for your affiliate program!
Dear users,

You need to sell more memberships? Need more webmasters, who will promote your sites or projects?

We have what you need! We offer advertising space on our Tube Sites Submitter and Chameleon Submitter sites, where we will place your banners with links to your projects, or affiliate programs.

Our sites are visited by more than 2000 adult webmasters monthly for different keywords such as tube sites submitter, tube sites, chameleon submitter, link list submitter, different keywords for building links etc.

We offer advertising banner placement on the following sites:

On the site http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/ Page Rank 2
Banner on the left side and a large banner (rotating in the members section and on the products board) Page Rank 2

http://www.tubesitessubmitter.com/ Page Rank 1
Advertising banner on each static product site

The price is $99 per month, and we sell only maximum of 4 campaigns per month!

Interested? Don't hesitate and contact us at cs @ chameleonsubmitter dot com

Best regards,

Chameleon Submitter Team

Evil Chris 02-07-2014 09:20 AM

Nice to see you guys are still around actually.

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