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Embarassing moment!
So what's your most embarassing moment ever? :blush:
Well, mine happened TODAY! I went out to run a few errands (felt great to go out again!). I was talking to a sales guy at the mall, when he said "Ummm...Excuse me, M'aam...and he looked at my chest" I gave him a dirty look and kept talking. He looked totally uncomfortable and he once again tried to get me to look down at my chest! WELL, I looked down and realised that my t-shirt was wet...Oops! I've never been so embarassed...I ended up telling him I just had a baby and these things happen...I thought the poor guy was going to die. GOT MILK? |
Re: Embarassing moment!
What a lucky bastard he was :) One of my worst was at a restaurant. I was grabbing the ketchup to pour on my hamburger while talking to a friend, tipped it over to put on the burger, and wham, it was my soda! Pop went flying all over myself, the table, my buddies, etc.. How the hell do you mistake a pop glass from a ketchup bottle?? No idea.. Anyway, that was a bit embarrasing! |
Ooooh poor Steph :blush: but true enough...these things happen..
the cola story is gooood! lol! Hmm lemme think about mine...can I get back to u on that? I guess I try to supress my embarassing moments..:bonk: |
Re: Embarassing moment!
sweet jeezus, what a story... you shoulda said to him "get a good look there, Costanza?" one of the best Seinfeld lines ever, when the NBC exec catches him staring at his daughter's cleavage... ROTF |
FB in the baby section of stores like Wal-Mart and equivalent they have boxes of circular-shaped "pads" that will save you from further embarrassments like this. They're great for going out and you can tuck them right into your purse. Nursing pads is what they're called.
Even though you're bottle feeding, it will take your body a little while to realize that fact and stop producing that nutritious milk. |
and hows this
how about when talking to a customer,albeit on the phone or in person.....more like in person......and your just done takin a shizz.....but unbeknownst to him or her....you still having aftershocks(farts)and tryin to ease em out doesnt work.......and you figure....they aint gonna stink i just shizz.....well lil do you know they do...you dont smell em but they sure do and try valiantly to make the convo short but at the same time trying to be polite??that happened to me 2 days ago.....and to boot i wwas outside......it was ...needless to say ''hot '' out that day..and well you all can fig that out right.:blush:
Hmm...my most embarassing thing I think happened in High School. One of my best friends sister was deaf, so she taught me the alphabet in sign language so I could talk a little bit with her sister. Well, in school, we loved it 'cause we could talk in class and not get into trouble.
So one day this new kid comes to school...and Man was he HOT!! LOL I got an instant crush and was telling my friend how cute he was, if she thought we could date, cute ass, etc. etc. etc. At the end of class-time, when we were all leaving the room, he came up to me and said "Wow--thanks for the compliments. My brothers deaf". OMG--I could have just DIED!!! Hahahahhahahaha I honestly don't know what happened after that--repressed memories, I'm sure. LOL http://www.ladysharlot.com/huggs.gif Lady Sharlot :-) |
i learned something today... i had no idea titty pads existed...
I was out with friends one night and noticed a gorgeous girl looking at me, so iasked my friends to confirm my suspcions and they said yeah indeed she was.
So I went over to say hi to her and she starts laughing her ass off and says "Your flys down and your shirts sticking out" |
My Senior year in college I was late for a final so I was running across the "red square" (an area covered in smooth red bricks) while it was raining. I over comitted to one step and completely bit it, not just falling, but sliding across it for a few feet. When I got up there was a cute girl standing right next to me laughing her ass off, and i was soaking wet. Worst part is, I have to take the final looking like that.
so I'm in my barn slipping the sausage to ole bess.................
I am surprised that no one has asked if you were wearing a white shirt lol It's good to hear that your out and about, I bet this is going to be one of his first wetdreams & ebarrassing moments!!:blush: |
LOL Fun Brunette!
You should have slipped a nip and squirted him in the face! That would have made his day! ROTFLMAO :) |
my life has become one LONG embarrassing moment...
I voted republican once...
NO WAY - Don't be like that - Don't deprive your baby the legal right of breast feeding. We all take it for granted that our mothers fed us for so long... Now its - "2 weeks! sheesh, he better start learning to eat McDonalds soon cause I have to start working again!" I can't recall my MOST embarassing moment but here is a good enough one.. I was out on a pub with a friend where we met a sister of a female friend of his from work... A day later he had a BD party and all the friends got together to a BBQ at his place as well as frields of his from work.. Anyway the girls came and I was talking to one of them, telling her I didn't see her for a long time and it was fun seeing her again, and how is she, and how is the new job and life in general etc.. and then told her it was so strange seeing her sister yesterday just yesterday.. Then she went.. Ye groovy.. that is strange indeed :) even stranger since I don't have a sister. I mixed the girls - it was another girl's sister :bonk: |
XXXManager, I'm not taking it out on you, I've just had it with people giving me the breastfeeding guilt trip! Thanks...lol Now I was able to vent! ;) I feel better! :) |
I used to play ice hockey, and in one of my final games...
The music is pumping (AC/DC Thunderstruck), the crowd is cheering, the spotlight is on the door to the ice. They announced each player as they jumped on the ice, it was my turn. The captain of the team... I took a running start onto the ice and slipped, skates up in the air with a spotlight on me. I looked down and I left my skateguards on. All I could do was get back up and gave the crowd a wave and skated to the the bench. lol |
Hey FB--I know that you've probably been subjected to the "bottle-feeding guilt-trip", but know that not everyone's against you. :) I tried breastfeeding, but quit soon after... One--he couldn't get enough...he ate far more than I was able to produce, two--I was NEVER comfortable flopping my tit out just anywhere, and three--I didn't like the way it felt. For those that don't know, breast-feeding can be so stimulating to women that some women even have orgasm's while breast-feeding. I was NEVER comfortable with that feeling, as all I wanted to do was nourish our child...
So sweetie--don't worry about what everyone else says...it's YOUR son, and you raise him the best that YOU can... 'Cause trust me, the breast-feeding trip that people lay on you is NOT going to be the only trip that people will pull throughout the years. Someone's ALWAYS going to think that they know how to raise your kid better than you do. :) http://www.ladysharlot.com/huggs.gif Lady Sharlot :-) |
LadySharlot, well put indeed. :D
20+ years ago, it seems that the majority of women were bottle feeding and it was the minority who breast-fed. Is it just an "in thing" now? Bottle feeding Moms weren't given the guilt trips back then that they are getting now. Funny thing is... health care people are usually very good about this. Knowing that it's the woman's choice. It's the people around us in our lives that don't understand it. |
I am not a mother, but I am not longer a little girl. I am the second oldest of four, 26, the youngest of which is now thirteen and second youngest, fourteen.
I know many mothers, I have cared for babies for many years. One thing I know for certain is that there are ups and downs for both decisions, and Mommy Knows Best. If bottles were harmful to childern (beyond nutrition, we all know what they can do to forumla now) than there would be a group lobbying mothers against pacifiers. Make the baby happy, give the baby something to suck on. Breast feeding can be painful (and embarassing) but it's about choice, not morals. I was nursed to about 3-4 months old and then bottle time, the sooner you ween the less traumatice it seems, for the baby of course. I know a mother now still nursing after one year. She can't leave home without it (the baby) because it is so dependant every few hours. That's not my bag, baby. But I can understand both choices. FunBrunette and Evil Chris, this is when you can stop listening to anyone other than yourselves. You make the rules and just give that baby all the love you can't help but give :) The scope of it is just beautiful isn't it? Congrats again! Much love, Cyndalie |
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