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-   -   Kari Sweets: UNCENSORED! Top NN model finally shows more! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=32000)

Phad 03-15-2014 08:53 PM

Kari Sweets: UNCENSORED! Top NN model finally shows more!
Get ready to make account-shaking, bank-rattling amounts of sales. Kari Sweets Uncensored!

Promo tools at Epic Panda Cash




http://www.epiczips.com/galleries/Ka...tn_image09.jpg http://www.epiczips.com/galleries/Ka...tn_image05.jpg http://www.epiczips.com/galleries/Ka...tn_image01.jpg
http://www.epiczips.com/galleries/Ka...tn_image03.jpg http://www.epiczips.com/galleries/Ka...tn_image06.jpg http://www.epiczips.com/galleries/Ka...tn_image07.jpg
http://www.epiczips.com/galleries/Ka...tn_image13.jpg http://www.epiczips.com/galleries/Ka...tn_image14.jpg


Holy Sh*#! Your eyes have not deceived you - Kari Sweets is now on Epic Zips!!! You know her, you love her, she's THE name in non-nude modeling. This is the FIRST EVER Kari Sweets zipset, and it's a truly epic event! If you're a Kari Sweets fan (who isn't?) your luck has started on St. Patty's Day, 2014. See Kari like you've never seen her before! Released previously as a purely non-nude gallery with 50 pictures, this set is now uncensored, with a whopping 221 pics, including epic peeks at Kari's never-before-seen “coinslot” as she rolls around with her pot of gold. As she pulls her thong aside with her toes, you can sneak a glimpse between her cheeks at her perfect ass – ANOTHER first sighting! There are many angles of slips here, including shots of her standing over the camera, some open leg shots of her trying to use a gold coin for cover, and close ups both from overhead and kneeling. For a true Kari collector, this set is a must-have, and not only for the slips; every unseen picture included is a gigantic 3000 pixels wide, twice the size of pictures normally seen on Kari's site. The zipset is big enough resolution now for the pics to be printed as posters. So scoot up next to a big monitor, cast them to your HD TV, or project them on a wall; if you see a detail you want to look at closer, just zoom in, because these pictures are huge!

The Zipset Landing Page: http://epiczips.com/Kari-Sweets-St-P...NCENSORED.html

Linking code: http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clic...NCENSORED.html

Thanks, and happy promoting!

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