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RuthB 03-19-2014 04:20 PM

theMobileHub Adds Paxum As An Alternative Payout Method For Affiliates
Mobile Performance Network theMobileHub has announced the addition of Paxum Global eWallet as an alternative payout method for affiliate webmasters.

theMobileHub is the only place where you can access all of the best performing mobile products with one single account. We provide you with the tools to segment your traffic by Country, Carriers & OS so that you can build your own network. We are the only network on the market that gives you the tools and direct access to the products in one place. You receive 85% of every transaction CPA, PPL, PPS, Rev Share. The reporting is completely transparent enabling affiliates to see exactly where their traffic is being sent.

“Paxum is one of the leading alternative payment methods to pay affiliates and we received a lot of requests from existing and potential affiliates to add it as a payment method. I'm very impressed with the convenience and reliability of their platform, as well as their stellar customer service so it's a great fit for our business” said theMobileHub CEO, Ashley Christie.

Paxum Global eWallet is the preferred affiliate payment method in the online adult industry. Paxum offers a cost effective way to send and receive instant payments anywhere in the world with just an email address. Paxum users can take advantage of the versatile Paxum P2P network for easy low-cost payments and instant purchases.

"We're very happy to be working with Ashley and the rest of the crew at theMobileHub." said Paxum Business Development Manager, Ruth Blair. "It's always exciting to work with newer companies, and the fine folks at theMobileHub have a lot of energy and creativity to share!"

If you would like to become an affiliate of theMobilehub, sign up at themobilehub.com. If you need any help setting up or if you have any questions, you can contact theMobileHub Affiliate Team at Support. The team will also be at the Phoenix Forum next week please email Ashley to set up a meeting.

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