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Mister X 05-07-2003 01:16 AM

Oh My Effin GOD!
I was totally without the internet for more than 11 HOURS today! There was an accident down the street and someone took out a power pole. For some reason the TV part of Videotron's service was back up fairly fast but it took them FOREVER to get the internet service back up.

Being without the net can be bad if you're a surf junkie but when you work on the net... Damn! I must have opened outlook 50 damn times today to check my email. Of course as soon as you click the button you realize... Doh! So I spent a lot of my day staring at my monitor wondering wtf to do to pass the time. I got really sick of solitaire!

GOD 05-07-2003 06:15 AM

Alright ... Who's effin caling me ???

Funbrunette 05-07-2003 09:12 AM


Originally posted by GOD
Alright ... Who's effin caling me ???

Mister X 05-07-2003 09:24 AM


Originally posted by GOD
Alright ... Who's effin caling me ???
Sorry. Wrong number. :bonk:


Evil Chris 05-07-2003 11:53 AM

Re: Oh My Effin GOD!

Originally posted by Mister X
Doh! So I spent a lot of my day staring at my monitor wondering wtf to do to pass the time. I got really sick of solitaire!

Download a copy of Sim City 3000. Ah but then again, you might not get any work done at all!

Mister X 05-07-2003 05:53 PM

Re: Re: Oh My Effin GOD!

Originally posted by Evil Chris
Download a copy of Sim City 3000. Ah but then again, you might not get any work done at all!
Hehe. Actually I don't really enjoy the sims games. :blush:
I don't like the micromanagement type of games that well. I like them more along the lines of civilization where you can kind of pick an overall strategy and not have to do every little thing. :D

swiftco_atm 05-07-2003 06:08 PM

11 hours?!?!!?! I've gone crazy just sleeping 8 hours w/o internet before.

Funbrunette 05-07-2003 10:53 PM


Originally posted by swiftco_atm
11 hours?!?!!?! I've gone crazy just sleeping 8 hours w/o internet before.
BTW, love the avatar swiftco_atm! :xthumbs:

swiftco_atm 05-09-2003 04:16 PM


but trust me, I'll bet more people like yours =)

Pidgin 05-09-2003 10:03 PM


Originally posted by swiftco_atm
11 hours?!?!!?! I've gone crazy just sleeping 8 hours w/o internet before.
What do you mean?
Is there a way to sleep 8 hours WITH internet?

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