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Darin 09-25-2002 08:33 PM

Beer vs Hard Alcohol
Lets hear it peeps. What do you prefer.

Vid Vicious 09-25-2002 08:38 PM

Tough one ...

It depends on the day .. During the summer in the hot sun, I always prefer a beer ... But indoor at a club or bar it's Booze thru and true ... I must be old fashion .. LOL

PlayaPlaya 09-25-2002 08:56 PM

Grey Goose all the way :dancer:

Funbrunette 09-25-2002 10:04 PM

I'm a Bud girl...Always have been! :angel:

luke 09-25-2002 10:08 PM

If I'm watching football all day, I'll drink Coors light and sip on some whisky. Going out? I'll drink the hard stuff. Last night was Jack and Cokes till 430 in the am. :p

Evil Chris 09-25-2002 11:31 PM

I like to drink more for the taste than to get a buzz, let alone get pissed.

I like a good beer, but it's a fine gin Martini that I like... 'cept nobody knows how to make them in bars!

luke 09-25-2002 11:38 PM

I bet the #1 bartender in New Orleans could make a nice one for ya. :)

I just found a bottle of vodka and enought OJ for about 4 drinks. I haven't drank that in so long but it'll all I've got right now.

Evil Chris 09-25-2002 11:45 PM

Iona? hehehehe.... I feel like I know her now... :D

Well I like 'em with exactly 2 ounces of Taquiri Gin and 1 ounce of Vermouth.... shaken on ice and carefully strained into an over-sized martini glass.... with two stuffed mammoth olives.

Now my mouth is watering... LOL

luke 09-25-2002 11:47 PM

I'll make sure she practices for next time you come down to New Orleans. :D

Vid Vicious 09-26-2002 10:31 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I like to drink more for the taste than to get a buzz, let alone get pissed.

I like a good beer, but it's a fine gin Martini that I like... 'cept nobody knows how to make them in bars!

Chris you need to check out "the House of Chow" on Eglinton/bathust in Toronto ..Don't let the name fool you, it's the best steak house and Martini bar in town ... And I thonk there is a martini bar Richmond somewhere too?? Near Univerisity??

Luna 09-26-2002 10:46 AM

I am not big drinker, Usually 1 glass of red vine will put big smile on my face, 2 glasses will put big smile on face of my husband :blush:

Recently we went to Mongolian Grill, and I ordered Corona. Waiter told me that every customers ordering Corona will get free beer if they fill ballot.
I did it, and few days ago I got call from Labat beer factory, I was told, I won 4 nights in Cancun Mexico, Airfare and Hotel free for 2.

So 24th to 28th October we will drink more Corona :)

Tkt2Pardse 09-26-2002 10:49 AM

there's this one drink that's good that you light on fire and drop in a beer that tastes like rootbeer. (not a boilermaker) but i can't think of the name

Luna 09-26-2002 11:00 AM

Sambuca ?

Evil Chris 09-26-2002 11:04 AM


Originally posted by Luna
Recently we went to Mongolian Grill, and I ordered Corona. Waiter told me that every customers ordering Corona will get free beer if they fill ballot.
I did it, and few days ago I got call from Labat beer factory, I was told, I won 4 nights in Cancun Mexico, Airfare and Hotel free for 2.

So 24th to 28th October we will drink more Corona :)

Hahaha... you're kidding... You won a week vacation in Cancun just by ordering a Corona. That's great Luna!

Luna 09-26-2002 11:15 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris

Hahaha... you're kidding... You won a week vacation in Cancun just by ordering a Corona. That's great Luna!

I first thought it is some scum for telemarketers and similar crap, but I filled ballot anyway :)

Vid Vicious 09-26-2002 01:25 PM

Wow Luna . I always thought those things where scams .. That it was the same guy that kept winning (you know the reps Cousin or something)
Enjoy Cancun !

twinkley 09-26-2002 01:34 PM

I can't stand beer!! ICK!!

I can deal with just about any kind of hard liquor, although I prefer girlie drinks :) White Russians, Appletinis, Captain and Coke, Pina Colada's, Strawberry Daquiris....yummmm

Not really a drinker though - only when there isnt something more...uplifting around....


Haywood Jablomi 09-26-2002 01:39 PM

a bombay martini,a shot of Jack or an Amstel...not necessarily in that order

Darin 09-26-2002 03:14 PM

Luna, make sure you don't have to thier seminar first.. hehe

Luna 09-26-2002 03:24 PM


Originally posted by Darin
Luna, make sure you don't have to thier seminar first.. hehe
If it is, I will just go to stage and start striping, I am sure they will kick me out fast :cackle:

Or I can use old good one: "No spek english - must go beach"

teddyz 10-21-2003 01:41 PM

HArd stuff rules.

hyatla 10-21-2003 01:56 PM

I drink both, depends on the mood.

Mefo 10-22-2003 05:00 AM


Originally posted by hyatla
I drink both, depends on the mood.

radicalx 10-22-2003 06:10 PM

Ya can't beat a good old bottle of the finest english tonic!! Buckfast!!! hehehehe

machoman 10-24-2003 03:12 PM

i go for the beer, eally depends upon the occassion.
if im bored, i go for the quick shot. but if im into the mood to break
somene's ass, i want it to go along way. more beer!

LaurieX 10-24-2003 04:31 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Tough one ...

It depends on the day .. During the summer in the hot sun, I always prefer a beer ... But indoor at a club or bar it's Booze thru and true ... I must be old fashion .. LOL

What Vid said :)

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