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Phad 07-17-2014 11:36 PM

Kate Winn: Jerk Off Encouragement Zipset
Promo tools at Epic Panda Cash

Some of you already noticed that you're making more sales for a phantom zipset you weren't promoting than the one that was announced yesterday. I didn't release any promo for it, I just snuck it in the store, but it's leaving the other one in the dust sales wise. Sigh. Anthony and I worked so much harder on that first one, dammit! It's BETTER.

Anyway, here it is. It's selling fucking great. :/


http://www.tinyzips.com/images/kate-...Long-Big-2.gif http://www.tinyzips.com/images/kate-...Long-Big-1.jpg

http://tinyzips.com/galleries/Kate-W...tn_image02.jpg http://tinyzips.com/galleries/Kate-W...tn_image04.jpg http://tinyzips.com/galleries/Kate-W...tn_image06.jpg
http://tinyzips.com/galleries/Kate-W...tn_image07.jpg http://tinyzips.com/galleries/Kate-W...tn_image08.jpg http://tinyzips.com/galleries/Kate-W...tn_image09.jpg

The Zipset Landing Page: http://tinyzips.com/Kate-Winn-Dust-B...NCENSORED.html

Linking code: http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clic...NCENSORED.html

Thanks, and happy promoting!

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