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-   -   Bailey Knox: Vertical Orgasm! *NEW ZIPSET at EPIC ZIPS!* (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=32122)

Phad 09-12-2014 11:04 PM

Bailey Knox: Vertical Orgasm! *NEW ZIPSET at EPIC ZIPS!*
Promo tools at Epic Panda Cash

Can Bailey Knox cum standing up? Science demanded an answer.

After some initial teasing over the fabric, Bailey steps out of her yoga pants and straddles the tip of the vibrating wand. The closer she gets to a climax, the more her legs start to wobble and give way. It's torture by pleasure! Once the vibe gets Bailey going, you can see she wants nothing more than to fall over with the toy and rub one out, but we won't let her. She has to stand the whole time; it's the only way to keep that pleasurable buzz on her clit. The experiment sends Bailey's horny-levels skyrocketing. She flashes her tits throughout the video, slipping them out of her loose-fitting top, and rubbing her nipples with her hands as she gets turned on. Data indicates that causing Bailey to be sexually frustrated is the best way to get her clothes off!


http://www.epiczips.com/images/baile...Big-Long-1.gif http://www.epiczips.com/images/baile...Big-Long-2.gif

http://baileyknox.com/galleries/Bail...tn_image06.jpg http://baileyknox.com/galleries/Bail...tn_image11.jpg http://baileyknox.com/galleries/Bail...tn_image08.jpg
http://baileyknox.com/galleries/Bail...tn_image12.jpg http://baileyknox.com/galleries/Bail...tn_image15.jpg http://baileyknox.com/galleries/Bail...tn_image16.jpg

The Zipset Landing Page: http://www.epiczips.com/Bailey-Knox-...al-Orgasm.html

Linking code: http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clic...al-Orgasm.html

Thanks, and happy promoting!

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