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elmy 06-17-2015 09:00 AM

Don't stress about tube submits and enjoy the summer!
Don't stress about tube submits and enjoy the summer! We'll do all the work for you...

We offer you professional and unlimited upload of your videos 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, including registration for tube sites! We have a large, regularly updated database of tube sites. It is up to you to specify the number of videos which you want to upload daily!

At the moment videos of our clients are uploaded to 200-250 tube sites daily. This database is continuously updated: we add new sites, repair the ones which are not working properly and remove those which are not productive or functional.

Advantages for you:
- no extra stress
- no set-up needed
- no installation needed
- no hosting fee expenses
- no employees
- no personnel costs
- no personnel management
- no complicated employee induction
- professional service
- fast service delivery


What can we offer you? What does our video upload service include?

We offer our service on a package basis and your customized package may contain:

Request a profile account in tube sites (200-300 tube sites)
Enter your registration data in tube sites (200-300 tube sites)
Confirm accounts on tube sites (200-300 tube sites)
Enter client (affiliate program) login and password in the database
Upload videos to tube sites (200-300 tube sites)

Interested in more info? Click here for more about Video Upload service

Best regards,

Chameleon Submitter Team
Chameleon TGP/MGP Submitter: Chameleon TGP & MGP Submitter, Link List Submitter, Partner Account Requester, E-mail Confirmer
Tube Sites Submitter: Tube Sites Submitter - Tube Submitter & Video Submitter

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