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Evil Chris 11-08-2016 06:23 PM

Election night 2016
Finally, after tonight it will be all over.

Will we have:

President Trump?
President Clinton?

or someone else?!?!:xhappy:

cdsmith 11-15-2016 11:31 AM

As we're both Canadians, I'm compelled to say "What's this 'we' Kimosabe?"


Before the end of his first term I predict the White House will be renamed The Gold House.

Evil Chris 11-21-2016 10:54 AM

I foresee much comedic relief in the next 4 years!

Stephane76 11-22-2016 05:41 PM

we are F U C K E D mon ami! :bonk:

Evil Chris 12-08-2016 11:54 AM

In 4 years it will be someone else. I'm sure the planning is well underway already.

Evil Chris 12-08-2016 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by cdsmith (Post 177839)
As we're both Canadians, I'm compelled to say "What's this 'we' Kimosabe?"


Before the end of his first term I predict the White House will be renamed The Gold House.

You have a point about the "we", but I think I was trying to say WE as in those of us following the craziness of the whole election process.

I still think not giving Bernie Sanders the Dem nod was a wasted opportunity.

cdsmith 12-13-2016 02:48 PM

I could be wrong (but I rarely am in these things) but had Sanders won the dem nomination he'd have very likely lost the election (electoral college votes) by a wider margin than Hills did.

2MuchMark 01-06-2022 01:47 PM

A pollitical thread on Xnations? Hmmm... I'm in! :D

TheLegacy 01-06-2022 03:11 PM

This is where the timeline shifts and we entered into an alternative reality with Trump and a duplicate earth is now living in peace where black lives matter - there is no covid - Betty White saw 100 and china is back to producing blowup dolls rather than rockets that can reach north america.

Oh and windows 10 was just fine and no need for updating anything.

2MuchMark 01-13-2022 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy (Post 178777)
This is where the timeline shifts and we entered into an alternative reality with Trump and a duplicate earth is now living in peace where black lives matter - there is no covid - Betty White saw 100 and china is back to producing blowup dolls rather than rockets that can reach north america.

Oh and windows 10 was just fine and no need for updating anything.

Thank gods for the Multiverse!

I blame Captain America. When he returned the Infinity Stones he decided to stay in 1946 to be with his squeeze, Peggy Carter, instead of return to the present. He screwed up our timeline!

Rochard 01-13-2022 03:40 PM

Well, we see how four years of Trump turned out.

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