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-   -   Do you use statsremote or Niftystats? (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=32326)

aweaffiliate 06-21-2017 02:51 PM

Do you use statsremote or Niftystats?
Are you a statsremote or Niftystats user? If not, what do you use instead to keep track of your stats?

Evil Chris 07-10-2017 03:16 PM

I used to use both of those tools. I just use Google analytics now.

Itchy 10-04-2017 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 178031)
I used to use both of those tools. I just use Google analytics now.


elmy 10-05-2017 03:19 PM

StatsRemote is dead .... NIfty Stats is much better.

Evil Chris 10-23-2017 03:56 PM

Interesting. Anyway, ever since I left the affiliate program side of the business, I don't have a need for that type of app.

TheLegacy 01-06-2022 03:25 PM

I prefer sticking to google analytics and the google search console. Nifty is an excellent tool for tracking advertising and affiliate statistics. You can track any advertising networks eg. Facebook ads, Google Ads, Bing Ads, but also a dozen other affiliate programs and advertising networks. You can track Clicksor, Clickbank, ClickBooth, Ebay or Amazon etc

Which is good if you're client wants to get into all that - but in SEO social traffic sources generally is low and facebook doesn't like porn and other sources are shutting it down to.

2MuchMark 01-06-2022 04:48 PM

Google Analytics FTW.

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