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Brad Mitchell 05-11-2003 02:16 AM

Happy Mothers Day!
...to all you moms out there, have a wonderful day! Hopefully your spouses and children spoil you rotton with presents, attention and love.




P.S. - A special wish for FunBrunette on her first Mother's Day!

Funbrunette 05-11-2003 10:14 AM

Wooohoooo! Thanks! I got a beautiful card from Ryan and Dad this morning :cloud9:

HAPPY Mothers day to all the other Mom's out there! :flower:

Mister X 05-11-2003 11:11 PM

It's Mother's day? ::-|

SHIT. I think I'm gonna be having to deal with a slightly pissed off mom. :bonk:

Happy Momma's day Steph! The first one. Wow. :D

Tafkap 05-12-2003 05:56 AM

Isn't it by the 25th of May???

in France, it's by that day...:confused:


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