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Brad Mitchell 09-25-2002 11:00 PM

Why don't we just make this the official...
...board for Canadian adult webmasters? aiy?


Glad y'all found a nice home here at X-Nations... :D

Look out Yahoo.CA! :bonk:


luke 09-25-2002 11:06 PM

Hey, I'm no Canadian! I'm a New Orleanian...and closing in on 300 posts! whoho!

Evil Chris 09-25-2002 11:27 PM

Luke, I think that Brad is just a Canadian wannabe! Especially with the hockey season approaching us fast.

Brad, you like like a half an hour from the border don't you?
So close, yet so far away!!! :p

luke 09-25-2002 11:43 PM

HAHA Canadian wannabe. I never knew those existed! haha

Just to let you guys know, I'm just joking.

<---300 post! I'm gaining on you Chris!

Evil Chris 09-25-2002 11:51 PM


Originally posted by luke
<---300 post! I'm gaining on you Chris!
Luke you're a posting madman! Good thing I am here to match you post for post! LOL

Brad... it's not "aiy".... it's "eh?" :cackle:

luke 09-25-2002 11:55 PM

But can you go drink for drink??? hehehe

Evil Chris 09-26-2002 12:01 AM

haha! Probably NOT!

twinkley 09-26-2002 01:45 PM


Im not canadian either, I just sound like one whenever I get around them! (Must be from hangin out over the border for so many years hehe - gotta love those canadian drinking laws!)

I'm definitely NOT a wannabe! TOOOOO COLD!

I looooove this board though!


barryf 09-27-2002 12:14 AM


Originally posted by twinkley

Im not canadian either, I just sound like one whenever I get around them! (Must be from hangin out over the border for so many years hehe - gotta love those canadian drinking laws!)

I know what you mean, eh?


I'm definitely NOT a wannabe! TOOOOO COLD!

Oh sure. I'll bet you wouldn't have said that when you were living in Michigan (or was it Minnesota?)


barryf 09-27-2002 12:17 AM

Hey Chris,

How about xnations.ca ???

twinkley 09-27-2002 10:36 AM


I DID say that when I lived in Michigan which is why I live in beautiful, sunny, HOT HOT HOT florida now!

Hahahahaha catch me sometime when I'm hanging out with Chrystal from a-conman.com. You would think I was Canadian born and bred!

Well, I supppose its aboot time I got back to work eh?



Horg 09-27-2002 10:55 AM


Originally posted by twinkley

I DID say that when I lived in Michigan which is why I live in beautiful, sunny, HOT HOT HOT florida now!

Hahahahaha catch me sometime when I'm hanging out with Chrystal from a-conman.com. You would think I was Canadian born and bred!

Well, I supppose its aboot time I got back to work eh?



Hey twinkley, you should tell your friend from http://a-conman.com/ to be carefule next time he/sge hires a designer. Take a look at this site and compare : http://www.apple.com

twinkley 09-27-2002 01:24 PM

Uncanny isnt it?

I have seen soooo many sites now with this design - I think its cause its so clean and easy to navigate


baddog 09-27-2002 05:37 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Luke, I think that Brad is just a Canadian wannabe! Especially with the hockey season approaching us fast.

do they still have hockey in Canada?

WiredGuy 09-28-2002 12:57 AM

Canada Rocks :-)


Tkt2Pardse 09-28-2002 02:45 AM


Originally posted by luke
HAHA Canadian wannabe. I never knew those existed! haha

Just to let you guys know, I'm just joking.

<---300 post! I'm gaining on you Chris!

I think they existed in 'NAM! heh

Killer 09-28-2002 08:23 PM

Don't be isolationist. People from other countries are terrific. Personally I am from the US and I know there are a lot of great folks here. Give us a chance, we are not all bad.

Killer 09-28-2002 10:45 PM

You know, after my post, I got to thinking. There really isn't any reason Canadian WM's shouldn't have their own board. Sometimes it is sort of nice to hang out with people with whom you share a common background.

There are some boards out there that seem to have next to no posts. I know of one where the longest thread has 3 posts.

I understand it is bad manners to promote another board here. However I feel this is a unique situation.

Since everyone goes to multiple boards and would also continue to post here, what would it hurt to make that board officially yours? No one else is claiming it.

If the Canadians want to do dat, I could provide the address of the board I have in mind. I imagine they would be glad to have you.

Gather your countrymen and countrywomen and try to muster some support for this. Can the Canadians do it? Or will the idea fall by the wayside? Only time will tell.

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