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Snoops_Dee 05-14-2003 11:53 AM

Blast from the Past!
Morning guys :o)

Win $1000 !

Max Cash's WebOverdrive presents a Blast from the Past quiz. It opens tomorrow (Thursday) morning - Check out the WOD board (http://forums.weboverdrive.com/index.php) Thursday morning and test your knowledge of the "GOLDEN DAYS" of the adult internet biz!

Questions like "What is the *unofficial* name of Serge's first sponsor program?"

Trust me, you're gonna be on memory lane for awhile after reading these - questions on names we haven't seen in ages - old history that'll bring back grins - this Blast From The Past is gonna take us all WAY back :o)

The first person to get them ALL correct or, after 48 hours with no one getting them all correct, the first to get the most correct wins $1000 in COLD HARD CASH! Just post your answers right on the board.

Calling all oldtimers - this will be easy for ya! Don't let those young whipper snappers see you up! LOL

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