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Evil Chris 05-16-2003 10:55 AM

Common problems (and how to fix?)
What are some of the more common problems you face in your day to day work in the online business? No matter what your field is.

For instance, I know from working together with many people who maintain the same websites, that it's a common error to not download the most recent copy of a particular page before re-uploading it, and as a result the previous update gets lost.

Mister X 05-16-2003 02:29 PM

Re: Common problems (and how to fix?)

Originally posted by Evil Chris
What are some of the more common problems you face in your day to day work in the online business? No matter what your field is.

For instance, I know from working together with many people who maintain the same websites, that it's a common error to not download the most recent copy of a particular page before re-uploading it, and as a result the previous update gets lost.

That certainly is pretty common, lol. Another really common one is to have some/all of the graphics src'ed from your HD. I usually check a page on a different computer after uploading.

Another common thing is to forget to check a page in different browsers and then find out that it only works in IE.

Mefo 05-16-2003 06:41 PM

Re: Re: Common problems (and how to fix?)

Originally posted by Mister X
Another common thing is to forget to check a page in different browsers and then find out that it only works in IE.

now that's a problem I also have frequently :( I just forget about nutscrape and the rest...

Panky 05-16-2003 08:19 PM

What about being able to stay focused? or how about motivation and discipline?

Saving your work before your computer develops funky errors and then crashes?

Balancing family time and work time?

Getting enough exercise?

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

Addict 05-16-2003 09:14 PM

Actually, I work for a company that has a lot of stupid people that make much more $$ than I.

My job is (in addition to other tasks) to fix everything that they fuck up, and build cool internet applications that they can take full credit for.

:mad: :bonk:

Their question "I did a modification to the SQL, my statement was 'UPDATE database_here SET credit_card_number = XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX' But I don't think it worked..."

My response: "Well, I'm sure it worked and you will make all but 1 of our users VERY happy"


SicChild 05-16-2003 09:39 PM


Originally posted by Addict
Actually, I work for a company that has a lot of stupid people that make much more $$ than I.

My job is (in addition to other tasks) to fix everything that they fuck up, and build cool internet applications that they can take full credit for.

:mad: :bonk:

Their question "I did a modification to the SQL, my statement was 'UPDATE database_here SET credit_card_number = XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX' But I don't think it worked..."

My response: "Well, I'm sure it worked and you will make all but 1 of our users VERY happy"


hahahahahahahaha...too funny.

Evil Chris 05-19-2003 12:05 AM


Originally posted by Panky
What about being able to stay focused? or how about motivation and discipline?

Saving your work before your computer develops funky errors and then crashes?

Balancing family time and work time?

Getting enough exercise?

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

I don't have a problem with

Saving your work before your computer develops funky errors and then crashes?
that one....
But all of the others require daily attention!
(just watch, now I'm going to have a crash and lose a ton of data... LOL)

cool1 05-19-2003 01:01 AM

Re: Common problems (and how to fix?)

Originally posted by Evil Chris
that it's a common error to not download the most recent copy of a particular page before re-uploading it, and as a result the previous update gets lost.
I sometimes have a problem with remembering to do this.

Or Updating an index page and ftp uploading to the sever
but you have the wrong site open in the ftp and you lose that sites index page
Did that a few times to my tgps.
It is easy to get confused when trying to do 30 things at once,
with 30 more things flying around in the mind at the same time.

wsjb78 05-19-2003 05:52 AM

Regarding the most recent copies:

We have two approaches to this:

1.) Each of us does mostly a complete different thing. They act together but what one builds is only for one...

2.) For all other things we have use a central "storage" computer where you change things on there. Sometimes we have the problem that file cannot be modified by two people at once but still better than to have various copies on various machines.

Nano 05-19-2003 09:03 AM

Re: Common problems (and how to fix?)

Originally posted by Evil Chris
What are some of the more common problems you face in your day to day work in the online business? No matter what your field is.

For instance, I know from working together with many people who maintain the same websites, that it's a common error to not download the most recent copy of a particular page before re-uploading it, and as a result the previous update gets lost.

That's easy to control with a Version Control Software.

I used to work for a big .com where people from 4 countries had access to each page and it was necessary to use some software like that.

Danny_C 05-19-2003 11:16 AM

Sometimes I end up with a bunch of windows open at once, including a couple of Trillian chat windows... toggling back and forth in a hurry, I'll get careless and message the wrong person.

That's embarrassing, but other than that, I don't have too many problems. I've learned my lessons to many times. :) Now I'm in the habit of always backing up files before I upload, and I save any file I'm working on at least twice a minute (getting in the habit of hitting CTRL+S regularly is a very good habit!)

Come to think of it, that in itself has presented a problem a couple of times. If I'm making several versions of a page, sometimes I'll open one, save it as a new filename, and then edit it. Every now and then I get carried away, open one, forget to save as a new filename, work on it, and then do my habitual CTRL+S... and there goes the last version of the file...

Easton 05-19-2003 01:22 PM

the main problem i have is properly penetrating the model's ass... about 60% end up bleeding cuz i rip something in there... *sigh*

even last nite, they had to stop cuz i had made the Penthouse Pet for June '03 bleed during the bare-back anal scene...

then again i suppose there are worse problems, but in content, this is a big deal, trust me

luke 05-19-2003 03:22 PM

I've gotten into the habit of pressing ctrl-s ALL the time. I've lost hours of work too many times.

I guess one of my problems is getting everything done in a day that I want to or in the middle of working on something having to switch to something else to take care or this or that problem. But that's just all part of work and I expect it now. You just have to try and do as much as you can without killing yourself...at least that's how I look at it.

Evil Chris 05-19-2003 03:23 PM

Re: Re: Common problems (and how to fix?)

Originally posted by Nano
That's easy to control with a Version Control Software.

I used to work for a big .com where people from 4 countries had access to each page and it was necessary to use some software like that.

I think Dreamweaver has this already built in doesn't it?

quotealex 05-19-2003 03:44 PM

The recuring problems I have is buying custom scripts from lazy programmers. Once they get their money, they no longer respond to e-mails or when they do, they start treating you like an imbecile. :rolleyes:

I try to stay clear of custom scripts and get instead "over the counter" scripts even if it doesn't do 100% of what I want it for. At least, I know the script has been tested by numerous webmasters and bugs will be fixed quickly.:)

Mister X 05-20-2003 01:35 AM

Re: Re: Re: Common problems (and how to fix?)

Originally posted by Evil Chris
I think Dreamweaver has this already built in doesn't it?
Dreamweaver does have it built in. But I really don't like it. The system means you are basically working with the "live" files on the server, so when you save the file it gets saved to the server. Making a little mistake is not bad but if you make a BIG mistake you don't have the luxury of being able to download the original again from the server.
By far the best thing to do is to use the test server setup in dreamweaver if you need it (for asp, php, ssi, etc.) so that you can test on the server with a temporary filename. Then you ALWAYS rename the file on the server before uploading the new files. NEVER overwrite. That way when you screwup ( and you will! lol) you always have that backup to save your ass. :D

I actually go even further and regularly use Cuteftp pro to synch my local files with what's on the server and when I do a new version of a file I rename the original on my local setup before saving too.

Here's a tip for you guys that use managed or dedicated servers too. Make sure to back up your .htaccess and .htpasswd files regularly also. One of the sites I work for had a server crash and the newest backup from the host was 3 weeks old. It was a GIANT pain in the ass to fix everything up after that. It pays to check into things like backup frequency when you select a host. Don't just assume that they do daily backups.

wsjb78 05-20-2003 04:25 AM

I hardly use any WYSIWYG editor... I just love my EditPlus.

It features:

- Row numbering
- Code colors for HTML, ASP, Perl, PHP, .....
- Almost unlimited Undo and Redo options

Nano 05-20-2003 06:17 AM

Re: Re: Re: Common problems (and how to fix?)

Originally posted by Evil Chris
I think Dreamweaver has this already built in doesn't it?
Yes, but it's not serious.
And I wouldn't let DW touch pages with PHP, ASP, etc. code inside.

Cyndalie 05-20-2003 10:20 AM

Problems I currently face daily:
Dealing with uneducated people
Having to followup on someone elses horrible decisions.
Holding back my sarcasm for just one more day....

Sorry, feeling very cynical today.
just a little bit longer... :)

Nano 05-20-2003 11:01 AM

My main problem is that I wake up sober almost every day but you can immagine how I solve that...:bonk:

dyonisus 05-20-2003 01:37 PM

problems I face during the work day

1.) Getting in sync working with peops in California - I wake up 6 hrs before they come online and I start work right away unless I need something from them, then I wait.

2.) Getting all the tasks done I outlined for myself the night before - Seems the list just keeps getting bigger and bigger every morning.

3.) Remaining focused on what has to be done and not what I would prefer to be working on!

These are the top 3

I have no time for family really
I excersize in the early morning otherwise forget it

SicChild 05-20-2003 10:57 PM


Originally posted by quotealex
The recuring problems I have is buying custom scripts from lazy programmers. Once they get their money, they no longer respond to e-mails or when they do, they start treating you like an imbecile. :rolleyes:

I try to stay clear of custom scripts and get instead "over the counter" scripts even if it doesn't do 100% of what I want it for. At least, I know the script has been tested by numerous webmasters and bugs will be fixed quickly.:)

you're going to the wrong programmers then! It's a good idea to ask for references and see what other people say about a particular developer before you use him/her.

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