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corvett 05-16-2003 07:24 PM

Potential Future Visa solution for Canadian Webmasters
CCBill is currently exploring a potential business relationship with a Canadian Financial Institution that might be willing to acquire for high-risk business. In order to give this institution an idea of the volume that we might be able to bring them, CCBill would like to ask you for your assistance in helping gauge the estimated business volume.

Therefore, if you are a Canadian business or Webmaster, and would be interested and willing to move your business to a CCBill Canadian solution, please send us the following information via email (mark@ccbill.com) or fax (480.449.8822):
  • A screenshot of your current processing stats (preferably monthly, although not necessary)
  • A copy of a merchant statement (again, preferably monthly, although not necessary)
In the fax or email, please be sure to include your name, a company name, telephone number, and an email address, should there be a need to contact you with any questions.

Our purpose in gathering this information will be to weigh the feasibility of pursuing this option. There are significant financial and technical bridges that would need to be crossed and, therefore, we cannot just “convince” an institution to enter this arena without fairly accurate business estimates. In addition, and I cannot stress this enough, You Have CCBills Guarantee that this information will not be used for any purposes other than to evaluate the practicality of processing Visa transactions through a Canadian solution. It will not be released to anybody outside of a select few inside CCBill and will be treated with the highest degree of confidentiality.

We need to get this information compiled and validated before the end of May, preferably by Friday of next week (May 23). Our apologies for the short notice, but the sooner we get the ball rolling the better. Please feel free to contact me should you have any concerns with providing this information.

In the chance that there is an agreement and a decision made, it might be 2 to 6 months or longer before CCBill will be able to offer this service. So keep in mind that this would not be an ‘immediate’ solution for anybody. We have simply discovered a possible option for the future and are testing the waters to determine if it is worthwhile.

As always, feel free to contact our sales department or myself if you have any questions.

Thank you


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