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mailman 05-21-2003 11:25 AM

My Gf wore the shit outta my shirt! :(

can i get a new one? if so tell me how!

i would love you for ever.. hell ill even babysit!

Evil Chris 05-21-2003 12:51 PM

mailman... we can probably hook you up when you're in Montreal in a few weeks. :)

Ounique 05-21-2003 06:31 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
mailman... we can probably hook you up when you're in Montreal in a few weeks. :)
With the shirt or the babysitting? Ever burp a lil' one, mailman?:laughout:

luke 05-21-2003 06:35 PM

Now that the summer is here, I wish I had a short sleeve one! *hint* *hint*


PaulSweet 05-21-2003 08:07 PM

I'd love one too :D

mailman 05-21-2003 09:08 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
mailman... we can probably hook you up when you're in Montreal in a few weeks. :)
:eek: that would be prefect!

BUT im not going! :(

Evil Chris 05-22-2003 10:43 AM


Originally posted by mailman
:eek: that would be prefect!

BUT im not going! :(

Why not? Aren't you just down the 401 in Toronto?

mailman 05-22-2003 11:33 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Why not? Aren't you just down the 401 in Toronto?

Yeah! but since starting work with epiccash i have been so busy... PD Said i could go.. BUT i rather work my ass of now and go next year when i am a bit more ready to be Epic Cash's Face ya know... :bonk:

I wish i was going though! BUT i made prommises to go to the TO show next year aswell I will now PROMISE to go to Montreal Next Year!


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