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Vid Vicious 05-27-2003 12:26 PM

June 8th
How many people will still be in montreal jusne 8th?

I was thinking about throwing a little get together at our new strip club .. there is a very good chance that we will have our booze pedeling licsense by the 4 or 5th .. Whatta ya guys think?

Imagine a strip bar run by me .. Hee hee the possiblities are endless

Mister X 05-27-2003 03:39 PM

Sounds like fun. :D

StuartD 05-27-2003 03:54 PM

I so wish I was man... and for the 5th too :(

McAttack 05-27-2003 04:21 PM

I'll play it by ear, but right now I'll say that I'll be there.

BuggyG 05-27-2003 06:25 PM

Re: June 8th

Originally posted by Vid Vicious
How many people will still be in montreal jusne 8th?

I was thinking about throwing a little get together at our new strip club .. there is a very good chance that we will have our booze pedeling licsense by the 4 or 5th .. Whatta ya guys think?

Imagine a strip bar run by me .. Hee hee the possiblities are endless

ahhhh a very good chance i'll be dropping in. So what's this strip club ya talking about?? where it at?!?! I wanna check out the scene before all the rest can take a peek. hehehehehe :D

Horg 05-28-2003 12:51 AM

Sounds interesting!

SexyScribe 05-28-2003 04:37 PM

Count me in, Vid!


Vid Vicious 05-28-2003 05:45 PM

The bar is called " Triple X Erotic Lounge by Tangerine" and it's on St Cath at St Mattew .. 1840 I think .. it's the old Candies ...

Buggy .. I'll only charge ya double cover .. Just cus I know ya :D

sweetums 05-28-2003 06:10 PM

I'll be there...just let me know when it's confirmed.
Nice living so close to everything :)


McAttack 05-29-2003 12:33 AM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
The bar is called " Triple X Erotic Lounge by Tangerine" and it's on St Cath at St Mattew .. 1840 I think .. it's the old Candies ...

Buggy .. I'll only charge ya double cover .. Just cus I know ya :D

That's seriously the longest name I've ever seen! hehehe

pornJester 05-29-2003 03:58 AM

Wish I could make this one but I move next week so my schedule is hectic! I'll see you all in August though @ Internext :)

BuggyG 05-30-2003 01:31 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
The bar is called " Triple X Erotic Lounge by Tangerine" and it's on St Cath at St Mattew .. 1840 I think .. it's the old Candies ...

Buggy .. I'll only charge ya double cover .. Just cus I know ya :D

hehehehe well just gimme the 411 on it if it going down and i'll be there., See why not. Good way to pass a quiet sunday evening. And since don't start work till monday at 3pm I see why not go out and have fun. Besides, been a while have not gone to strip. Need to get my arse back there again. :D

Dugmor 05-30-2003 09:11 PM

Do you think you will be open by the 7th ?

Easton 05-30-2003 09:27 PM

i'll still be in Montreal on June 8th!!!!!!! :D

sign me up for whatever... can i bring my cameras?

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