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Sassyass 05-28-2003 08:53 PM

Content Idea
I am new to this board but not to the business.
I shot some Hot ass contests a while back,, got 11 hours of usable footage and 800+ pictures.. .Obviously this went over big with the webmasters...

I was wondering if I threw a Party for 150 -200 gay men, Ran VERY dirty contests, promoted crowd sex acts and such... Maybe a drinks for flash stuff... I would collect 2257's and ID's at the door...
would this type of content go well?

Easton 05-28-2003 08:59 PM

Re: Content Idea

Originally posted by Sassyass
I am new to this board but not to the business.
I shot some Hot ass contests a while back,, got 11 hours of usable footage and 800+ pictures.. .Obviously this went over big with the webmasters...

I was wondering if I threw a Party for 150 -200 gay men, Ran VERY dirty contests, promoted crowd sex acts and such... Maybe a drinks for flash stuff... I would collect 2257's and ID's at the door...
would this type of content go well?

please tell me you're joking... ::-|

Sassyass 05-28-2003 09:15 PM

Joking how?
That gay content is a joke? or that the idea sucks? I figured since it went well with the hetro side why not give it a try on the gay side...

mailman 05-28-2003 09:24 PM

i know nothing about content.. but i think stuff like that would sell!

Mister X 05-28-2003 11:18 PM

It'll sell.

Mister X 05-28-2003 11:19 PM


Originally posted by Sassyass
Joking how?
That gay content is a joke? or that the idea sucks? I figured since it went well with the hetro side why not give it a try on the gay side...

Hehe. Easton is just a little homophobic. Nothing major, lmao.

McAttack 05-29-2003 12:31 AM

Firstly, welcome to the board. Secondly, I wish I could tell you but I don't know enough about the gay market to tell you honestly. You might want to talk to Darrin over at CECash, he knows a lot about that market.

To me the idea looks like it would sell if filmed properly.

pornJester 05-29-2003 04:04 AM

Pretty good idea, I beleive it would sell well. Just need to find 200 gay men willing to be porn models. :)

Nano 05-29-2003 04:42 AM

Welcome to the board.

I've seen lots of strange things to sell in Internet, that could be one of them.

barryf 05-29-2003 04:46 AM

Re: Content Idea

Originally posted by Sassyass
I am new to this board but not to the business.
I shot some Hot ass contests a while back,, got 11 hours of usable footage and 800+ pictures.. .Obviously this went over big with the webmasters...

I was wondering if I threw a Party for 150 -200 gay men, Ran VERY dirty contests, promoted crowd sex acts and such... Maybe a drinks for flash stuff... I would collect 2257's and ID's at the door...
would this type of content go well?

If straight reality content sells, why not gay reality content? Just don't use ugly guys :)


Sassyass 05-29-2003 09:54 AM


Originally posted by pornJester
Pretty good idea, I beleive it would sell well. Just need to find 200 gay men willing to be porn models. :)
Well thats the easy part..
I throw a private party at a club, Advertize what is going on, and they will come.

Easton 05-29-2003 12:53 PM

the way you described it in your 1st post is not legal - even in a private club (at least not in Canada anyways)

the fact it's gay is irrelevant, tho you wouldn't catch me within 5 blocks of the place

PaulSweet 05-29-2003 01:05 PM

Re: Re: Content Idea

Originally posted by Easton
please tell me you're joking... ::-|
Easton, as a stunt cock you're going to need to learn how to be a little more open minded and tolerant bro! ;)

The Porn Biz isn't just petite 18 yr olds with shaved beavers..... :p

PaulSweet 05-29-2003 01:08 PM

Sassyass I think your idea would sell but you should definately make sure you speak to a good lawyer first and have all your angles covered.

I don't know the gay market very well, and I don't know if there is a lot of content like this or not. But judging from the success of party content in the straight market, it would be a huge success. If I was you, and I saw a good oportunity that wasn't been fully exploited yet, I would certainly look into doing it.

Sassyass 05-29-2003 02:52 PM

It's legal, and I have talked to my lawyer. The problems come when you leave it open to the public. A "locked door" private party you can pretty much do what ever you want.

I am not gay, In fact I am married with two kids.. but I find that the gay enviroment is much easier to work in. The people are much nicer and because it's all guys, they all want to get naked and screw.

I do this for money.. Even when I am shooting a hot little 19-21 year old chic, I'm not remotely turned on.. All I'm thinking about is..
She will convert well,
Keep that in frame
Is my partner shooting it correctly?
How much time have I spent on this part?
How is the lighting?
I need to stand over here...
"Please bend over a bit more so I can see ...."
ect, ect, ect
anyone who shoot content knows what I am talking about.

Easton 05-29-2003 03:35 PM


Originally posted by PaulSweet
Sassyass I think your idea would sell but you should definately make sure you speak to a good lawyer first and have all your angles covered.

bro, that is exactly what i meant by my original comment... nothing to do with it being gay, i'm sure it'd do fine, it's just not my thing

i still say the way he is describing it is not entirely legal, but that is of no concern to me, i was only trying to make him realize that he should investigate further

he seems to have done it, so good luck to him...

Sassyass 05-29-2003 03:54 PM

Thanks for the heads- up Easton,
I do this for a living. I have a good lawyer and I make sure that I am completley legal in every respect.
I'm a married man with kids.... The last thing I want is to be raided or arrested.. Kind of hard to explain that to the family. ::-|

Easton 05-29-2003 05:46 PM


Originally posted by Sassyass
Thanks for the heads- up Easton,
I do this for a living. I have a good lawyer and I make sure that I am completley legal in every respect.
I'm a married man with kids.... The last thing I want is to be raided or arrested.. Kind of hard to explain that to the family. ::-|

np... we'll assume if we don't read about it in the papers that all went well... LOL

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