X Nations

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Adult Site Traffic 06-01-2003 12:19 PM

Traffic to your site or your sponsor's page, and be paid Cash !

I wanted to drop in and tell you about our 2 newest options.

First, we'd like to let everyone know that you can now be paid cash to link to us! You'll be paid for every new client you refer to us. There are NO minimums to meet. Send a sale, be paid for it as soon as I see it. Place a link in your sig, and/or on your site.... Refer Webmasters, be paid Cash! and...Webmasters are converting @ about 1/25!

Since we consistently rank in the top 30% on The Leaderboard, you can be assured of referring a quality product.

Second, we now have our Pay-Per-Click option up and running! This allows you to place your descriptive text links to yours or your sponsors page on our high traffic filtering and landing pages! You can manage your advertising from one interface, and know that you are receiving traffic that is genuinely interested in what you have to offer.
Check it out, it's free to set up an account and add your links! Click HERE for our Pay-Per-Click Program !

As always, we still offer our Wholesale Unfiltered Traffic and our ever popular Retail Traffic. (Geo, Gay, and TGP).

Thank you,

Adult Site Traffic 121760557

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